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Perhaps in the eyes of the criminal police, this matter has come to an end. But for Wen Muqing, he still has a lot of problems to deal with.

Especially the problems I discovered when I was fighting with myself, and the two little ones squatting upstairs to probe their brains.

He didn't even catch his breath, collected the two cards of [Crane] and [Night Watchman], and used the ability of [Qing Xingdeng] to cooperate with the robot to refresh the sweet pastry house, and then returned to the second floor without stopping to continue to fight play.

As the dark thread of long-term development, Li Sanuo and Qin Zhen's ideological work must be done well. This time, it happened to give them the systematically organized blood information.

The so-called wilderness is actually a manufactured illusion. Looking down from the perspective of the second floor, you can find that the so-called vast fields and blue sky are actually strange scenes floating in the air on the first floor, just like watching a VR scene in a movie theater, you can slide and drag at will.

Li Sanuo and Qin Zhen just felt that the original solid wooden floor under their feet changed into a transparent light curtain, as if the scene of the sea and sky upside down appeared in front of them, and they seemed to be standing on the sky overlooking the earth.

"Wow-brother, is this also the power of your formation?" The two children were so frightened that they dropped the peaches in their hands, and asked around Mingyuan happily, "The hall is so small, but this place looks so big Like

a young man who had never been with anyone before, he wanted to bury his face in his clothes, he answered vaguely, his ears were reddish, and he seemed to change the subject: "It's about to start."

Li Sanuo and Qin Zhen subconsciously Head, watching the conversation of several people.

Seeing that Ye Tingshen hates Ye Shou first, then MIA, and finally Wen Zheliu comes out, he doesn't let go of provoking his anger.

Seeing Ye Tingshen's sharp words like a knife for the first time, and his merciless attitude of piercing people's hearts, the two of them couldn't believe it for a while.

"At first, I thought Mrs. Ye was being soft-spoken towards Uncle Ye, but I didn't expect that he really didn't like him." Li Sanuo said to Qin Zhen in a low voice, "The big brother with the flute, I think he's going to be so fast Got pissed off."

Qin Zhen nodded with lingering fear. Now it seems that Ye Tingshen was too gentle to them at ordinary times. She couldn't help asking: "What kind of contract and organization are they talking about, senior brother, do you know?"

Ming Yuan nodded, No explanation.

"So, our enemy is that organization called MIA." Qin Zhen muttered, "I don't know what my abilities are, but it would be cool if I have a senior brother..."

Compared with Li Sanuo Looking at the melee type, it is obvious that her time rabbit blood is useless at all, except that it makes her not want to eat meat and will not suffer from malnutrition-maybe this is a small trick to lose weight?

Mingyuan's movements paused, his light blue eyes met Qin Zhen's envious gaze, and then moved away slightly, his eyelashes trembling slightly: "Not cool." The

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