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    Even though there was no sonorous and powerful voice, everyone was inexplicably shocked by the murderous aura and sharpness in this line of words. For a time, the silence in the room was terrifying.

    "That's it, Zhe Liu." Angus, who had recovered his body, sat on the chair again, with a polite and perfect smile on his face, "Don't scare these children." As

    soon as the voice fell, everyone felt that the surrounding The air seemed to flow again, and the stagnant pressure suddenly lightened.

    Dan Yunqing took a deep breath, only to realize that she had been holding her breath just now.

    Wen Zheliu put the white jade flute in his hand, ruffled his hair that was swaying to his chest at will, and returned to Angus's side unapologetically. Seeing Ye Suo standing in the same place like a door god, he disliked it again. Moved to the other side.

    The people of "Dawn" did not pay attention to the small movements between them, but were startled by the speed of Wen Zheliu's teleportation, and the mood on their faces became more complicated.

    Bu Jiu wanted to speak and apologize, but found that his voice was so hot that he could only exhale a few breaths, and couldn't even spit out the word "ah".

    But fearing that more movements would attract the attention of MIA people, Bu Jiu just wiped the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, like a mouse scared by a cat, huddled in his seat and didn't move. It's a bit of a laugh and cry.

    Dan Yunqing carefully raised the "Dawn" in front of him. The videos and documents that were open on it had all turned black. There was no response to pressing the power button, and the casing felt a little scorching heat in his hand.

    ——The inner core has been completely blown and completely scrapped.

    "What kind of energy fluctuation is this..." She couldn't help but muttered, "Are all your members at this level?"

    Angus chuckled softly: "If you follow your calculations, then there should be an A too. Come on. Having said that, Zheliu should have met you."

    Wen Zheliu sat beside him boredly. He turned his face sideways, looking in the direction of the empty gate, and occasionally turned his head to look at Angus, anyway. Looking at the sky and the earth, I don't want to see the "Dawn" crowd.

    Hearing Angus' words, he waved his fingertips, and a line of words appeared in the air: [Pingyu Center Art Museum. ]

    "It's you?!" Dan Yunqing exclaimed, "The one who eliminated the B-level weirdness and saved the three students."

    Thankfully, she also thought about it with Yang Yuecheng, for fear that the weirdness of the new students would be lurking in the dark. At this point, one day they will launch a general attack on humans, and they really haven't slept well these days. I didn't expect that the so-called A-level weirdness is the big guy who helped them kill the "people in the picture".

    But since it is from MIA, why is the report issued by Tivak College marked as "unknown and strange"?

    Angus seemed to have guessed her question, and the corners of his mouth curled helplessly: "Ye Su must have mentioned it to you, MIA members are not human."

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