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Chapter 75

    Sometimes, people don't talk about science in their dreams, such as dreaming that they are flying with a sword, or dreaming of a strange chase, or even dreaming that they have a very close relationship with someone they have never met...

    But in the end Thinking can still be associated with waking thoughts.

    But Tang Guangyu felt that his dream was beyond his comprehension, which made him a little hard to accept.

    Pushing open the dilapidated wooden door, what came into view was a street that made it hard for him to imagine that this was a street from his dream.

    It's a bit like the ancient westerly middle ages. The carriage drawn by tall horses gallops on the road, occasionally splashing the stagnant water on the side of the road, causing pedestrians to curse a few times.

    At first glance, there is no difference between the shops on both sides of the street. There are some quaint wooden signs at the door with the name of the shop written in cursive characters. Tang Guangyu took a closer look, Meisha Bar, Three-headed Dog Blacksmith...

    Ah, why is it called Three-headed Dog? In the blacksmith shop, the person who forges iron at the door is really a three-headed kobold?

    Tang Guangyu was deeply shocked.

    Yes, few of the pedestrians coming and going on this street are normal.

    In just such a short time, Tang Guangyu saw a two-meter-eight tall ghost lady covered in white; a furry fox standing at the door of a bar; People...

    There was a little old man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes and a mouse tail. He set up a stall in front of a barber shop to sell pancakes. He was soon kicked over by a man with a one-meter-high broom head, and the two sides began to tussle violently .     Rarely, there were a few passers-by who couldn't see any inhuman features, all wearing a mage robe with a special shape and specification that looked like Linta's, and it was tightly wrapped from head to toe.     "Come and see meow—the divination tabloid is on sale for the first time, and the young master of the Slin family has been tested for a full-level talent!"     A cat demon with a long black tail ran into the street with a dozen newspapers in his arms, waving the tabloid in his hand as he walked , just like the newsboy Tang Guangyu only saw in elementary school textbooks.

    He leaned on the door with one hand, and squeezed himself with the other free hand to make sure that it really didn't hurt. He began to wonder if it was an illusion brought about by another special form of supernatural manifestation.

    This dream was so clear and specific that it didn't seem like he could dream it out.

    When he put down his hand, he accidentally hit his clothes. He felt something hard in his pocket and took it out to have a look. It was the pendulum that Linta gave him. Logically speaking, he had already put it in the bag.

    But before Tang Guangyu could get entangled, a black figure suddenly rushed out from behind him, ran up to the cat newsboy, took out two coins from his dirty hands, and said in a rough voice, "Give me a piece of paper." A divination tabloid!"

    "Hey, good meow~" the cat newsboy smiled and took out a newspaper and handed it to him, and continued to shout forward.

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