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Chapter 57

    The mental appraisal is just sticking a small chip on the temple, which is basically just a matter of opening and closing the eyes, and it is said that when being probed, it is like soaking the whole person in warm water, which is quite comfortable.

    Wen Muqing was always a little worried that these things could detect his thoughts, and even used props to defend against it.

    When he came out of the darkroom, the eyes of the staff member in charge of testing him were all glowing, and he repeatedly praised: "I have been here for so many years, and I have never seen a person with such abilities as mentally stable as you." High."

    "What will happen to a power user with a low level of mental stability?" The

    staff thought for a while: "I haven't encountered a particularly low level so far, but some power users who have fallen below the safe threshold will experience mania and hallucinations. His symptoms will soon be brought to the treatment room for treatment."

    "Where is the treatment room?"


    Wen Muqing saw the embarrassment of the staff in front of him, smiled and stopped talking.

    The Yin-Yang system in his ear was still broadcasting the situation on the side of the Alliance.

    [Lied has stopped cooking, Master Host, do you really not consider keeping him? Xiaohong still likes him quite a lot, at least Doudizhu won't miss one of three. ]

    [Xiaohong is that nurse? ]

    [Yes, usually the nurses in the six buildings can only gather a table of mahjong, and two people can only play lottery in loneliness. ] Sickness explained, [doctors also have their own happiness, only me, hey! ]

    Its tone dropped.

    Wen Muqing looked indifferent: [Li De, you can ask him yourself, don't talk about other things. ]

    [Okay~ Irene has already found a comatose ordinary person in the basement, but she wants to find you more. ]

    Irene probably already guessed that "L" is not an ability user who came here to save ordinary people, and she has a certain degree of curiosity about what he has done.

    Even if she could wait for Yangmian to send ordinary people out, she didn't intend to just sit there and wait.

    [Did he come in specifically to get rid of this weirdness? Secrets really make men more attractive. ] Sickness imitated Irene's self-talk, her tone was a little shy.

    [The charm of the host is really extraordinary, even if it looks like a fool, the beautiful woman is willing to take risks with you. ]

    Wen Muqing ignored its teasing: [Don't digress, keep talking. ]

    In Wen Muqing's view, the [Wanderer] card is a pure chaos card, and it is not very lethal to weirdness except for fun.

    Irene probably just wanted to see if it would be profitable to follow him. After all, cracking weirdness would drop item cards, and location-type item cards would be stronger.

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