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Chapter 77

    Tang Guangyu still remembers beating him with a sap in the dormitory, and counting him and Linta with another guy named "Ye Shou" like buying and selling goods.

    I also remember the arsonist in my dream.

    But when all these are connected with the illusion, the meaning is different.

    Except for Linta, Ye Tingshen is the only non-earth creature he has seen in reality. From the appearance, he is indistinguishable from humans, and even looks better than most humans; from the point of view of ability, he can be at the top in a place like Gensokyo where special talents run everywhere, presumably the strength is also top-notch. ;This kind of person can even come and go freely at Tikva Academy, so why do humans fight?

    Tang Guangyu felt that he had lost his dream and didn't know what to say for a while.

    But now it seems that even the big boss of Gensokyo has gone to the earth, presumably the world here must have undergone great changes.

    Seeing his big reaction, Mingyuan said nervously: "Have you ever heard of Mr. Ye? Or you..."

    Tang Guangyu shook his head, and said truthfully, "We don't know each other at the moment."

    Mingyuan heaved a sigh of relief and showed a shy smile : "That's good... If you have a grudge against Mr. Ye, I can't let you leave here."

    This is so cruel, Tang Guangyu couldn't help complaining in his heart, so what is the level of Ye Tingshen's speech skills? ? Opening your mouth can piss people off, but can you still get so many fanboys?

    He showed a sincere smile on his surface, like a compliment: "Master Ye is very powerful."

    Ming Yuan looked at him with more kind eyes.

    The two chatted about Gensokyo's gossip for half an hour, and they stopped talking until they could hear the commotion downstairs.

    Mingyuan said: "Do you want to go down?"

    Tang Guangyu wearing this pajamas, fearing that he could directly become the most beautiful boy in the audience, he asked Mingyuan: "Do you have any extra clothes?"

    Mingyuan took one for him, but he was still a little worried: "Fantasy Township is still relatively xenophobic. I don't know how you got in, but if you are discovered, you will probably be locked up in Fairy Lake."

    "Fairy Lake is in Where?" Tang Guangyu was startled, "There is no mark on the map you gave me."

    Mingyuan explained: "Fairy Lake is in the book, if it is locked in, it can only be released with the consent of the book spirit, but I don't I know what's going on inside."

    Tang Guangyu, the book spirit, has seen it before, she is a very arrogant little sister.

    Tang Guangyu used his talent to calculate, and concluded that the danger was not great.

    He put on the white clothes Ming Yuan gave him, rubbed the petals on his face and hands, trying to pretend to be a fragrant Gensokyo creature.

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