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Sept. 23, 2015

It's time to leave, and I have never been more nervous in my life. We are not safe anymore. Well, we were never safe here. After last night I knew, I could not keep doing this. Something had changed. Things were so much worse lately. The pain still radiating everywhere was a reminder of how bad it was getting. The wolfbane was still in my system, so my wolf could not heal me. He threatened them again, our children. I would do anything to keep my children safe.

I would kill for them, die for them.

They just need to be safe, and I can't wait another day. Something big was coming, I could feel it. I run quietly down the hall to their room. I open the door and pray it doesn't make a sound. I walk up to Sara, hold my hand over her mouth, and tell her to wake up. Her eyes open wide, startled for a second.

"It's time, baby. Go wake up Tilly. Get dressed and put your backpack on," I whisper.

She just nods her head and gets up. She is in her regular clothes and not her pj's, smart girl. I go over to Conner's room through the connecting doors. I take a moment to just look at him.

He would be two in April, but he was still a little small for his age. Even in his sleep, he kept a dimple on his cheek. He is such a good sleeper, but I hold my breath as I pick him up, not wanting to wake him. I positioned him in my baby carrier and grabbed his binky and blanket, and he snuggled in closer. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the girl's room.

Sara tells Tilly that she has a surprise for her, and she needs to get up and keep quiet. I check Sara's bag for her blanket and it's tucked inside. I had hidden Tilly's under her bed. I leaned down to grab it and stuffed her blanket inside the main pocket.

"Mommy, are we leaving daddy now?" Tilly asks.

I turn and look at her in surprise. Tilly was almost four, and I have never told her what we were doing or planning on doing. I look to Sara, and she just shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. I know Sara would not have said anything. She knows how dangerous this is. She may be only seven, but my Sara is wise beyond her years. I hate that she has had to grow up so fast. Sara has always been my little protector, and I hate that she feels the need to even do that.

"Yes baby, it's time to leave daddy now," I say, hoping she will understand.

"Good," is all she says.

My eyes widened in surprise at her response; I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how much she understands even at this young age. I look at my watch and see we only have forty-five minutes to get to the car now. The guard changes at 4am, and we only have one shot at doing this. Tony is the only guard that I trust to help me. We grew up together and were always friends. There was a time I had thought he would have been my mate, but fate had other plans for me. Over the years he has witnessed what happened, and being an omega, there was nothing he could do at first. Now, he is finally a warrior and has agreed to help us.

I look at the girls and then down to Conner and say a little prayer. We can do this!

"Okay girls, be very quiet and follow me," I whisper.

I open the bedroom door and peek out into the hallway; still, no one is there. We tread down the hall, then down the stairs, and sneak out the back door. We make our way to the garden and hide under the archway. I had once loved this garden when I was younger. There used to be tons of trees to climb and flowers to pick for my mom. Many BBQs and summers running around with the water hoes playing. The memories now were painful, but they were all I had left of this place now. My memories and my children.

"Okay, girls, it's time. Are you ready?' I say quietly.

They both nod, and I put Tilly on my back, only wincing in pain a little. I look down at Sara, and she gives me a small smile, pulls her straps tight on her back, and looks to the woods. Tony has left us a mile-wide space; we just had to make it to the car without being seen.

This is it. This is our chance.

I grabbed Sara's hand and squeezed.

Then we ran.

When we made it to the car, I still couldn't believe we did, but I know we are not out of danger just yet. Inside the car was my bags that I packed weeks ago and a small package with my name on it. I put Conner in his chair and then got in the car. Sara was still getting Tilly in her chair, so I opened the bag quickly.

I gasp in surprise when I see it's a spray bottle. I knew exactly what this was, and I cried in relief. A scent cover is hard to come by and expensive. The fact that he got this for us makes me wonder who else knows we are leaving. These are usually done by witches, and I have yet to meet a good one. I spray myself down and then get out to spray the kids.

"What is that mommy, it smells funny?" Sara asks.

"It's a scent blocker baby, so they can't smell us anymore," I say as quietly as I can.

"Will daddy not be able to find us with this?" Sara asks.

"I don't think so, baby. I have no idea how Tony got this, but it will help make us safer for now," I tell her.

Conner starts to fuss some, and I know I only have seconds to get all the doors closed before he breaks out a cry. I quickly give Sara his milk bottle and jump in the front seat, making sure to close the doors as quietly as I can.

Tony had gotten an electric car, so it made as little noise as possible. He even left some energy drinks in the front. He really thought of everything. I see he even added snacks for us as well. He could die for helping us, but he wanted to help so badly that I couldn't say no to him. We had been planning this for a while now and tonight was the final straw.

Bless him and keep him safe, I pray silently to the Moon Goddess. I pray they never find out he helped us. I start the car and give a small smile before driving away. Thank goddess for wolf night vision so I didn't have to turn on the headlights to drive. I knew my route by heart. I was off pack lands in record time.

Our pack was a small one. Our land was smaller on this one side due to a housing development next to our land. I still can't believe he sold more land to them, bringing humans closer to us. Our pack used to be one of the largest ones in the country. Over the past few years, he has been greedy for money and selling everything he can. He had yet to add a fence to that new area that was sold.

There were now small roads the humans made for off-roading in the woods. They come so close to us every day and have no idea that just a mile or two more they would meet their death for trespassing on our lands. I have no idea how many he has killed already, but I would guess more than ten humans.

The roads they made were small enough that I could easily fit through in this small car. Most of the roads came out to the end of the new houses that have yet to be built. Being so early in the morning there was no one around yet.

We drove through the neighborhood and were on the highway by 4:15 am. Shift change happened 15 minutes ago and soon they will find out we are gone.

We have a 6-hour drive before we switch the car for a bus. If Tony ever got caught, all he would know is that we went to the bus station. Thanks to Tony's gift maybe we will make it farther than I thought we would.

Please don't let him find us, please!



Dear readers,

This book is currently being edited for Amazon. I have started moving my book from another platform to this one. In hopes of having a little more freedom to write. I hope you enjoy this story! I'm not sure if I will leave this up or not when I am ready to release the EBook version. Please note, that this version is NOT the edited version. The new one will have more to it due to my limited writing space on another platform.  There is also a second book to this one, and when I am ready to start sharing that it will appear on both platforms for now. Happy Reading!!

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