The King And His Queen

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I had learned a lot in what felt like the last few hours. None surprised me more than learning about Theo being the father of two of my children. The joy that it gave me to know that the monster Cain was not their father was overwhelming. My poor Sara would have a hard time growing up now, but I would always be there for her, and now Theo would be the dad she always needed, blood or not.

But seeing those three walk up to us was unexpected, to say the least. However, at this point, all the cards were out, and anything could happen at this point. Theo being here was my only grounding point now. We had received so much information that I felt my head would explode or turn into a bubble, and I would float away.

"Um...did you say, Auntie?" Theo asked, looking at them, still confused.

"As I told you. I am the eldest of three daughters. Areol and Kadir are from my sister Cressida, and Seth is from my sister Hestia," The Goddess stated, and the guys nodded in agreement.

"So you have all known this whole time what has been going on? And didn't think to talk to us about it!" I shouted at them. They all cringed but shook their heads.

"No, Maggie, we didn't know. This is why I felt such a strong connection to you. You are meant to be our Queen. My cousins and I, we are your protectors. We were sent to train to become Warriors of The Light long ago. We are guardians sent from The Goddess to protect you and Alpha Theo. Because there has been no royalty in many years, we have not been needed," Seth said as he and the other two held their hands in a fist over their hearts. It almost felt like they were saluting us.

"My dears, they will be my advocates to help you. They will be able to help answer any further questions you will no doubt have. You are now running out of time. Trust in yourself and trust in me. I will always be there for you," The Goddes said and stood up.

I got to my feet with the help of Theo. He held me tight to his side, supporting each other. Our life just got way crazier! I needed Theo more than ever now. The Goddess walked up to us and kissed us both on the forehead. Then she hugged and kissed the three guys. Lastly, she put her head down for Dex and Dealla to lick and then walked away. We all stood there silently, watching her fade away into the trees.

"Well, I bet your brain hurts, huh," Seth joked to Theo.

"You have no idea," Theo said, shaking his head.

"We must be going now, "Kadir said.

"There isn't much time left now," Areol said.

"How long have I been in here? It feels like hours!"Theo asked.

"It's only been about 15 minutes since you have been asleep with Maggie. Seth came into the room shortly after you fell asleep. Anastacia told us when to come to get you," Kadir answered.

"That's it? Only 15 minutes?" Theo sounded so surprised.

I had felt like I had been in here for a week now. I had loved getting to spend time with Dealla and Dex in a way that I knew I wouldn't be able to ever again.

"Yes, time passes the way The Goddess needs it too," Areol stated.

We all began to walk in the opposite direction The Goddess went and eventually hit some trees. We all kept walking except Dealla and Dex. For a moment, I was worried Dealla would not be coming back with us.

Dealla: Don't worry, when you wake up, I will be with you.

I turned to look back at her and smile. I would miss seeing here this way. Theo did the same with Dex, and then we turned away and walked into the darkness. After a minute, there was no light, and I could not tell if my eyes were open or not.

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