Little Bean

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The next day Alec came by my parent's house. He had an arm full of my favorite flowers and a gift bag. In the bag was a jar of pickles because it was the main thing this baby girl craved and a little pink onesie that said "Daddy's little girl" on it.

He was sorry, I could see it in his eyes. He told me that his wolf took over. He was mad that he wasn't having a boy, but Alec was actually excited for our girl. He told me that he had to leave to get control over his wolf and didn't want to lose control around me and the baby. My parents were still upset with him.

He even had some flowers for my mom to apologize for his behavior. He wanted her to know that he appreciated what she has done and was sorry for the way he acted. He then tried to apologize to my dad. The air between them was still tense but I was starting to feel a little better about things between them. The next few weeks went by fast. Alec had finally decided to have me move into the Luna room next to his so we could both be close to our baby girl.

We also had a room done up next to the nursery for my mom to stay in and help after the baby was born. Because I don't have my wolf yet my recovery will be harder than normal for us wolves. We had decided that I will pick the girl's names and Alec will pick the boy's names. I already had my little bean's name picked out but want to keep it a secret for now. When my due date came, I was ready. This little bean knew all the spots to hit to keep me up all night, and I was done!

My water broke during dinner and luckily the pack hospital wasn't far, and the Luna room was all set up and ready for me with all my stuff. My labor was long and so painful. My 2 epidurals didn't work so I felt everything. Alec was there the whole time holding me and being my rock.

Our Sara Elizabeth was born on February 20th, 2008. Alec cried when I told him the name of our baby girl. I chose Sara after his mom and Elizabeth after his nanna. Losing his mom was hard on him this last year and I knew this would help him, even if it was just a little bit.

Everything was going so well. My recovery went better than we expected. Alec's and mine relationship had grown so much more now. We worked together in taking care of Sara. My mom would spend time with me teaching me how to be a Luna and what to expect. Even though my mom was married to a Beta she had come from an Alpha family. Alec had gotten better at controlling his anger and it felt like we could put everything in the past now.

Sara was almost 8 months old, and it was getting close to my 18th birthday. We decided to have my Luna ceremony a week after my birthday. My mom and friends have been busy helping plan everything. We had gotten the dresses for both parties, a dark green for my birthday and white for my Luna ceremony. Above everything else, I was just ready to feel my mate bond more with Alec.

The week of my birthday Alec became very distant and even angry at times with me. He began drinking more and fighting with everyone who got in his way. My parents would ask me to go to him knowing that the mate bond would help calm him and his wolf. It usually worked; it just depended on how much he had to drink that day.

My parents became more and more worried every day about him and how he was treating Sara and me. My dad even tried to talk to him about his behavior which ended with them fighting and both with a few broken bones. I knew things were bad and every day my feelings got worse that something wasn't right. Alec had never hit me or Sara, but it was like his self-control was shredding and there was nothing we could do to help him. Everything just made it worse.

The night before my birthday everyone was gathered at the packhouse for a campfire. I could feel my body vibrating with anticipation for getting my wolf in a few hours. It was like my body was preparing for a new change. I felt on edge but excited at the same time. We all decided to stay up till after midnight so my friends could witness my change with me.

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