How It Begins

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(7 years ago)

Today was my birthday! I was so excited to be 17. I was one year closer to 18 when I would find my mate. In truth, I hoped it would be Alec. He was so beautiful to look at that it hurt. I had crushed on him the first day I met him.

He was my older brother's friend. When I was 5, I first met him and I asked him to be my boyfriend. He just laughed it off and said maybe one day. He was 7, the same age as my brother, so I think everyone just thought it was cute. But in all honesty, I was serious. He looked like a prince to me.

My younger sister thought the same, but she usually kept to herself and her toys. As I got older, the more I would chase them around to try and play with them. They would almost always say they were too busy to play or had to go to training.

I would usually watch them train, and when I turned 12, I got to train with them. They were better than me and would help show me better blocks and moves.

Alec was always too patient with me, and my brother would usually get annoyed with me. Alec, ever my knight in shining armor, would come to help me more than anymore.

He would always say, "Magpie, you just need to learn how to fly faster." I loved it when he called me Magpie. It made me all warm inside.

He has changed a lot following the death of his father from a rogue attack 2 years ago. Because of that, Alec was made Alpha at 17. Normally they are not made Alpha until their 21st birthday. That gives them time to find a mate and hopefully start a family. My dad stayed as Beta until my brother was ready.

I decided to spend my morning sitting under my favorite tree overlooking the training grounds. I had become one of the stronger warriors in the pack, and because it was my birthday, I got to take the morning off and sleep in if I wanted. Instead of sleeping in, I decided to get up at my normal time and go for a run by myself and then take a break at my tree.

From where I was sitting I could overlook the training fields and the back of the packhouse. The pack lands truly are beautiful. The surrounding houses still hiding behind the morning mist. I loved the foggy fall mornings. The air was cold and the leaves had changed to beautiful colors now with most falling off.

I had closed my eyes for a few minutes breathing in the smells of the woods and earth. Taking a moment to let my life sink in and realize how blessed I have been in my life. My ears perked up when I heard footsteps close to me causing me to open my eyes to a beautiful sight, Alec.

"Happy birthday Magpie," he says with a small smile.

I beam at him, giving him my best smile. He was 19 now and still hadn't found his mate; I was still holding out hope that it was me. Rumors were going around about him going a little crazy now trying to find her, but there was no way I would believe that. My Alec would never lose control.

"Thanks, Alec! Aren't you supposed to be training?" I ask laughing a little.

He sat down next to me looking out at the field, watching the warriors slowly trickle out. He sighed and grabbed my hand. Butterflies immediately fluttered in my stomach.

"Magpie, I decided I am going to make you mine now. I don't think I can wait any longer," he said while running his free hand through his hair.

My mouth hung open in shock. My ears ringing a little. Words I have wanted to hear pretty much my whole life just came out of his mouth. My eyes started to water a little bit when he looked at me finally.

"Are.. are you saying I am your mate? What are you trying to say?" I can feel the shake in my voice.

Without saying a word, he stands up and pulls me up to him.

"Come with me," he says as he takes off running, still holding my hand.

He leads me back farther into the woods to the little stream that runs through the land. This is another one of my favorite places as there are lots of big boulders around and fun places to climb on. He turned me around and pushed me back so my back came against a tall boulder.

His eyes were black now and I could feel his breath on my face. "Alec, what is...."

I don't even have a chance to finish my question before his mouth is on me.

He is kissing me.

After a second of hesitation, I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer, making him growl. This is my first kiss, I better make it a good one. I open my mouth to him and then pull back almost immediately. What is that smell?

"Alec, have you been drinking?" I say pushing him away from me a little. He growls at me, and I think his eyes get even darker.

"You can't stop this Maggie, I have made up my mind about this. Don't worry, I'll be gentle for now," he says, sounding dark.

It scares me. This is not Alec's voice. It's darker, deeper.

"I know how long you have wanted me, I know you want this. I'm just not going to make you wait until you are 18 now," he says still in that dark voice.

"Alec, I don't think I'm ready for this," I say looking down.

I didn't want to do this out in the woods. It didn't feel romantic to me at all. I wanted my first time to be special, not like this. I looked at him and his eyes softened a little coming back to their golden color more. He puts his hand up to my cheek, rubbing it.

"It's okay Magpie, I will take care of you. It will be special later when you can feel the sparks of the mate bond. I just can't wait to have you anymore. Please don't make me wait?" he said, begging.

How could I say no to that? This is everything I ever wanted! Everything I ever dreamed of.

"Okay," I say. "I want you," I say with a smile. 

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