Into The Darkness

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We ran and hid for two years. We went to many different packs trying to find my mate. Each pack was usually welcoming and invited us to stay as long as we needed. It was unusual to find someone in my position. I knew they had some sympathy for me and I hated it. I hated the look in their eyes when they were told what had happened. I hated that soon after I would meet every man in each pack in hopes that he could be my mate. I hated the look my sister would give me each time we had to move again. She had turned 18 and was also hoping to find her mate as well, but she always wanted to go home. Home. It was weird to think that I didn't have a home anymore. We never officially left the pack, so we aren't rogues yet, but we definitely felt like it. We have now been in the same place for the last six months. My brother found his mate and is expecting their first pup any day now. My parents wanted to stay until he was born before we left again.

Today is the day that changed.

We got a letter from the council asking for us to attend the hearing for Alec back at our Blue Bayou Pack...home.

My parents were on the phone for hours trying to contact the elders in charge in hopes of waiting a few days more before having to go back. My parents were nervous about taking me back, but I knew it needed to be done. I had to make sure he didn't die for what he did. I could never forgive myself if Sara's dad died because I could not wait till I was 18 to be with the man I loved. After I was done being angry at him, I turned my anger to myself. I knew what I did was wrong also. I knew I should have waited; I never should have given in to him just because of my feelings for him.

The guilt I felt was so intense. I was embarrassed and depressed. Sara was now the only reason I smiled every day. Even Dealla couldn't bring me out of my funk. I had thought back to our first conversation where she told me she had already met our mate. She told me that because our worlds are different, there were certain things that led her to find him early. She told me that it doesn't usually happen that way, but for some reason the Goddess wanted them to meet.

However, she can't talk to him anymore or find him; I have to find them now. She has no idea where he is or could be. This was our first fight if you could call it that. I closed off the link from her for a few days. I knew it wasn't her fault but I was hurt and angry. I wanted to find my mate, and I wanted this pain to be over whether he rejected me or not.

Finally, my parents came back, letting us know the elders gave us five more days before we had to be back for the hearing. Luckily for my parents, my new sister-in-law had her baby later that evening. My nephew, Trevor, is as cute as a button! Sara loves her cousin already and keeps wanting to hold him.

After spending a few days with Austin and Ella, we have to pack up a little to return home. The drive was long and I felt sick to my stomach the whole time. There was this uneasy feeling in my stomach the closer we got to our pack.

When we got to the borders, we all noticed the difference. The land looked unkept; the buildings had overgrown bushes and weeds all over. There were no families out and about, it just looked empty. That uneasy feeling kicked up even more. When we pulled up to the packhouse, I could see Mike and Alec standing outside talking to each other. My heart started racing. Other warriors and pack members came out of the house as we parked to see us. So many I didn't recognize. I turned to Sara and got her out of her car seat while my parents got out of the car.

"Ready to go see daddy?" I ask her, trying to put on a smile.

"Yeah Yeah! GO!" she yells. When getting out and turning around, I see Alec has walked closer and he looks as though he is in pain. His face looks sad or upset, I can't tell.

"Mate?" he said.

"What?" I say.

I felt no pull towards him.

Dealla: Not us Mags...

"Mate..." I hear behind me in a soft whisper.

I look back and see my sister her face gone of all color.

I look back at Alec and he is looking past me to my sister. OH. MY. GODDESS... Alec and my sister are mates...

Everyone is frozen in place. We are all stunned.

"Over my dead body!" my mother shouted, walking towards my sister.

The air tested up and all you could hear was a deep laugh. I look over at Alec and he is smiling. But it doesn't look like Alec. It was a dark smile.

"Happily," is all he said. Without saying another word, my parents are surrounded by wolves and warriors in human form.

"Take them to the dungeon," he says.

"What! You can't do that! Alec, leave them alone!" I say, running up to him. He grabs my arm painfully and yanks me up to him.

"You can call me Alpha," he says through gritted teeth.

"Take Annabeth to a room with Sara. My Magpie and I have unfinished business," he says as he pulls me inside.

I am in so much shock that I could do nothing but follow him as he pulled my arm.

Dealla: Be careful Maggie, I don't feel good about this.

Maggie: I don't either.

"You have no idea how much trouble you are in Magpie," he says, pulling me into his office.

"Alec, what are you talking about? We are here for your hearing, not mine!" I said angrily. He laughed at that and spun me around, shoving me against the door of his office, which caused me to smack my head on the door.

"You really think I would let some puny elder wolf determine my life," he said, scoffing. He leaned his face into my neck while I tried to pull away from him.

"Mmmm, you smell so good. I missed you Magpie," he said as he sniffed my neck. Pulling back, I look into his eyes. They are completely black. This is not my Alec. This man before me is darker. Something about him is just not right anymore. There is an odd power coming from him, something I have never felt before, even from an Alpha.

He begins to smile at my stare and it scares me.

"I'm not Alec...nor is he here anymore. I'm Cain."

Dealla: Maggie! We need to get out of here. You need to let me take over so we can get out of here.

Before I could even respond back to my wolf I felt a pinch in my arm and instantly went limp in his arms.

Dealla: Wolfsbane...Be strong Mags. This wasn't supposed to happen...

I felt her slip away from me; her voice in my head was barely a whisper. I had never felt more alone than at this moment.

"Now that I have your full attention. There are some things we need to talk about..."

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