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I was on cloud nine. I had my mate in my arms finally after almost eight years of searching. There was so much we needed to talk about. I couldn't wait to find out what had been going on all these years. I would finally have answers to why I had felt pain coming from her so often.

We were in a room at the pack hospital, and I still would not put her down. I needed to feel her against me. I needed to hear her breathing. My soul was complete now, and nothing would break us apart. There was a knock at the door, and a dark-skinned man poked his head in.

"Hello. Alpha Theo. I'm Dr. Abara. I'm here to check on Maggie," he said as he walked in.

"Please, come in," I said.

My wolf has been on edge this whole time, constantly pacing in my mind waiting for our mate to wake up. Behind him came Wyatt and his wife, Alison. She smiled warmly at me when she saw I was still cradling Maggie in my arms.

"You know she is safe here, Theo," Wyatt said, laughing.

Wyatt and I had grown up together. Jed is my mother's cousin. Sometimes it was hard to address him as Alpha since we were more brothers than anything. I knew they would never let anything happen to her, but I could not put her down.

"I would like to check on her if you don't mind putting her on the bed," Dr. Abara asked.

I could feel Dex rumble in my chest, and my grip on her tighten.

"Don't worry, son; I'm happily mated. I just need to hear her heart and check her wounds," Dr. Abara laughed.

I gently set her down on the bed but continued to keep one hand on her arm and kept the other hand on her head. I needed her touch to comfort me, and I knew it would be good for her healing if we were together.

After a few minutes of the doctor looking her over, he determined that she was fine and healing great. He said that she just needed rest and left, saying he would send a nurse back in a few hours to check on her. I picked her back up and sat on the bed holding her close to me.

"Well, guess the Moon Goddess has quite the plan for you," Wyatt said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well, there is a lot we need to talk about. You were going to find out anyway, but I think now we need to wait until Maggie wakes up to talk about it," he said, looking over at Alison.

"Theo, she has had a tough life. When she does tell you everything, just be gentle with her," Alison said.

I could tell there was a lot they wanted to say to me. I felt that what I was going to hear would be hard. I knew that my mate did not have an easy life from all the pain I felt from her. I just prayed that I could help her and show her the love she deserved.

She stirred in my arms, nuzzling closer and placing her hand on my chest. I could hear her sigh in contentment. Dex rumbled in my chest out of pure happiness. Her touch sent gentle electricity through my body. I could feel the mate bond so strongly with her. I couldn't wait to run my hands all over her body. I couldn't wait to feel her pressed against me as I marked her as mine.

I looked down at her only to see the most beautiful green eyes staring back at me. When I looked into her eyes, it was like her soul was calling me. I could get lost in them. I gently raised my hand to her cheek and rubbed my thumb across her smooth skin.

She gasped, and I knew she could feel the tingles as well. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, to feel her full lips against mine. She must have noticed my stare at her lips because just then, she licked them. I couldn't help the growl that escaped.

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