We Have A Plan

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After Maggie and Seth left, Wyatt and I talked for only a few minutes before I couldn't stand being away from her. I felt her anxiety the whole time, and it was driving Dex and me crazy not to be there. Wyatt handed me a tablet that had the video of the room. I could only see Alec, but I could hear everything they said. Part of me felt bad listening to it, but I knew that Maggie would tell me everything anyway. When they started to talk about the kids, I knew that I would need to be there when she opened the door. Not hearing her speak much spoke volumes about how she was doing.

Wyatt told me to take the tablet with me, so I did and booked it downstairs. When I got there, Seth was pacing and looking agitated.

"I can't believe this fucker! He is either really good at acting or the stupidest man I have ever seen!" he said in an angry hushed voice.

"Chill, man. I hate to say it, but he sounds sincere," I told him.

"That doesn't make this any better! How can a man be so selfish that he has to try and break a bond before it even is there?! How crazy do you have to be trying to take someone else's mate because you aren't happy with the one you have!?" Seth was getting pretty angry, and I 100% understood.

"Maybe you need to go see Anna. She is yours now, and only she can calm you down right now. However, I don't think you should tell her some of these things. There is no reason to break her self-esteem when you are still trying to build it up," I grabbed his shoulder and turned him down the hall. He just nodded and walked away.

I felt for the guy; I really did. Sharing a mate was not going to be easy, especially since Anna and Mike already know and love each other. I could see his struggles and noticed he was finding more reasons to stay away from them. I hoped he would just run to her arms right now. I knew they both needed each other now more than ever.

From the sounds of their conversation, it sounded over now, and sure enough, Maggie walked out, and I knew right then that I had made the right choice to come down here. My woman needed me. When she ran into my arms, I scooped her up and started to walk back to the house. By the time we got to the main floor, her crying had stopped. I sat done on one of the benches in the hall and just waited for her to speak. I didn't want to take her back to her apartment because the kids were still there and didn't need to see or hear this. I let her take her time, and after a few deep breaths, she cleared her throat to speak.

"How much did you hear?" she asked quietly.

"Most of it. Wyatt had a tablet with a video of Alec's room. I couldn't stand not knowing if you were okay or not. Once you started to talk about the kids, I ran down there. Seth was fuming, so I made him go see Anna," I told her and started to rub her back. She instantly relaxed further into my arms.

"What did Wyatt want to talk to you about?" she asked. I was surprised by her question but figured she needed to think about something else for a moment.

"He wanted to talk about living arrangements. Seth is supposed to come with us, and he is Wyatt's Beta. We didn't get past that because I came to you," I told her.

"Let's go for a walk. Or a run? Should we let our wolves out?" she asked, clearly trying to change the subject now. Dex jumped at the opportunity to be out with Dealla.

I sighed and chuckled softly. "We can do whatever you want, baby," I told her.

Dex: YES!!

Theo: Guess that means you want out?

Dex: Oh hell yeah! But I want to do something with Maggie first.

Theo: What? What do you mean?

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