Devastating Truth

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I was building up the courage to flee when the door busted open. In ran my brother and father along with Mike the Gamma. Alec turned around to pounce on them. My father and Mike ran to him to hold him down and my brother grabbed me and ran us out the door.

"He mind linked us saying he needed help to get you out of the room," Austin said.

After we were safe in the gathering room, he had me sit down on the couch. He stays standing facing the doorway, still tense just in case Alec was able to break free.

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

I look down at my hands, not wanting to say the truth. Alec's idea was something I thought about when Dealla told me he wasn't my mate. We could be chosen mates and no one would know.

Dealla: It won't work Mags. Even if he tried to make you, it wouldn't work..... The Moon Goddess won't allow it to happen. Mates are chosen for a reason.

Maggie: It has to work. Our true mate would never want to know that we have a child with someone else. Surly the Goddess would take pity on me and allow us to mate. It was not my fault. I didn't know he was lying. There has to be a way.

Dealla: Mags, it won't work, and if he tries, it will be excruciating. Even your true mate will feel it.

When Dealla said that, I buried my head in my hands and sobbed. It was so hard to be mad at Alec because I loved him so much, but he has ruined my life now. I had waited for this day for so long thinking that Alec was to be my destined mate just made my heart sore. But now, knowing that he isn't my mate and we will never truly be together just broke me. I will have to find my mate and pray he will accept our bond knowing that I was with another man and even had a child with him. This thought made me cry even harder.

"Maggie, what is going on?" my brother asked again.

"He'" I choked out in between gasps.

I heard a gasp and looked up to see my mom and Sara were now in the room. Oh great...

"HE'S WHAT!?!" my brother yells.

He turns to take off up the stairs. I don't want them to fight, but I don't have the strength to stand to go after them now. My mom rushes over with Sara and wraps me in her arms. I cling to her and cry even more. I can hear shouting now and bangs upstairs. I know they are fighting. I look up at my mom's face trying to get the courage to go up there and break it up. Her eyes are glazed over and I see her face pale.

"Come on," she says standing up fast and grabbing my hand.

I stumble after her towards the door. Why are we not going upstairs?

"Mom where are you going?" I ask.

"We need to leave. You are not safe here anymore," she cries.

I don't say anything because I am starting to go numb. I can't keep the tears from running down my face anymore and now I am just silent. When we get to the house, my mom has me sit on the couch and puts Sara in her bouncer. It's almost her bedtime, but she is such a happy baby she just bounces around watching me. The more I look at her, the more I cry. I don't regret my baby at all. She completes me and fills my heart. But if it wasn't for her, I could leave this situation without looking back. I know in my heart what Alec did was wrong in so many ways, and no matter how much I love him; my anger is growing more and more.

A few minutes later my friends rush into the house. Alice, Tiffany, and Tony come up to me with worry in their eyes.

"We heard what happened," Alice said. I look up at her but I know that no emotion passes on my face.

"What can we do to help you?" Tiffany asks. I just shrug, not wanting to open my mouth, knowing I would just cry even more.

"Tony!" I heard my mom yell down. He pauses, looking at me like he wants to say something but he just sighs and runs up the stairs.

"Coming," he yells.

Alice and Tiffany sit on either side of me and grab my hands. A few minutes pass and we remain silent. Sara is the one to break the silence by crying a little. Tiffany gets up to get Sara and holds her. I somehow switch on to autopilot and go to the kitchen for her bottle. Without saying anything, I get all her stuff ready for bed, giving Tiffany her pj's and a new diaper. When the bottle is warmed up, Alice comes over for it. I just stand there watching them take care of my baby girl.

Dealla: Mags, you are gonna be ok. This is gonna be a rough road but you can do this. Trust in me.

Maggie: I will try.

My mother and Tony come down the stairs with two suitcases each. At the same time, my brother and dad walk in the door. They both have cuts and bruises on their faces and their shirts are torn in places. My dad's eyes were flickering between dark and light and my brother looked like he had been crying. Without saying a word, they grab the suitcases and walk out the door. My mom then goes to the kitchen and starts packing up a few things and getting all the baby stuff together. Tiffany walks up to me with Sara and hands her to me. I go sit in the rocking chair and wrap a blanket around us. A few minutes later, my sister walks in looking worried. She runs to my mom, and I hear them argue a little about leaving and her not wanting to pack her stuff up and leave. I tune them out and look down at my little bean.

"I'm gonna love you enough for both of us, baby," I whisper to her. She has already started to drift off when my mom walks up with her car seat. I look up to her questionably.

"We need to leave Maggie. We have to get you both away from here. The only way to keep you safe now is to find your mate," she says quietly.

I just stare at her. She can't be serious; we can't just leave.

Dealla: She is right. It will be safer if you aren't around now.

Maggie: I don't think I can leave him. I know I'm mad at him but what about Sara? She is still his daughter.

"Maggie, Alec needs to answer for what he did. You know it is against our laws to do this. We need to get you away before he loses control again," my mom says.

Everyone is now standing in the living room watching me. My sister is crying and texting away on her phone. My brother looks sad and lost. My dad looks angry still and worried. My friends look worried and sad knowing that I am leaving.

I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing what I need to do. I hand Sara to my mom.

"Can I see him before we leave?" I ask.

"No baby, he is in the hospital. We had to give him a tranquilizer to get him to calm down," my dad says.

"They are waiting for us to leave before they let him wake up," my brother said softly.

I can feel more tears coming. I go to the kitchen and pull out a pad of paper and pen. If I can't talk to him, I will at least leave a note for him. I may never get to speak to him again and he needs to know that no matter how mad I am at him that I will always love him.

After I am done writing the note, I give it to Alice. I know that she can give it to Mike and he will get it to Alec. I can tell by the looks I'm getting that my parents would do anything to not get the letter to him.

We said our goodbyes which caused fresh tears to form in my eyes. I had no idea when we would be back, but I knew it wouldn't be anytime soon. I would miss my friends turning 18 in the next few months and that thought just hurt too much.

We had so much stuff packed that we had to take both cars. I was with my parents and Sara while my brother and sister took the other car. This was the beginning of a path I wasn't sure of. 

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