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After I had woken up the following day, there was a flurry of activity. The ladies wanted to have some pampering done before Alison popped and begged me to join. Because Alpha Wyatt didn't want Alison going anywhere, he arranged for a mobile spa to come to the pack house. It was an all-inclusive one. There were massages, nails, hair, and facials. It was hard to turn down so Sophie said she would take turns with me and watch Conner for me during my turn. The girls were off with the other kids watching movies and playing in the game room. Due to my hesitation to leave them, Alison had a warrior stay with the kids to be safe.

My heart was relieved at how understanding our new pack had been. I knew that we were safe in my mind, but I had lived in fear of our lives for so long that it was hard to let that go.

"Maggie, I was talking with Andrew this morning, and he suggested that you join our training with warriors. I believe you told Rose that you were once a head trainer for your old pack, correct?" Sophie asked.

My head snapped up to hers. She was holding Conner reading him a book when he fell asleep. That boy was growing attached to her, and I was afraid to admit I was a little jealous. The girls chimed in, talking about how that would be a fantastic idea. To be honest, I loved the idea. I used to be strong and brave. I was never afraid of a fight, with or without my wolf. I wanted, no, I needed to feel that confidence again. If what Olivia said last night was true, I could never let my guard down again. I had to protect my babies and myself.

"I think I would love that. When does he think I can start?" I asked excitedly.

"Oh, goody! I'll ask him right now!" she exclaimed. I could tell she was mind linking; not only were her eyes clouded over, but the smile on her face grew as she blushed.

"He said you can start in a few days!" she was more excited than I was.

"Sounds great! Will the kids be okay? I won't have anyone there to watch them in the morning. Maybe I can hire an omega to watch them in the mornings?" I was mainly thinking out loud. I realized then that I had no way to pay anyone to watch the kids. I would need to get a job first.

"On second thought. Can I wait to start training until I get a job?" I asked.

"A job? Why would you need a job?" Alison asked, confused.

"Well, I need to earn money somehow? I have no money to pay anyone to watch my kids. I can't always rely on one of you to do it. You all have your own families, and that is not fair of me," I said. They all looked around at each other with peculiar looks on their faces.

"Maggie, our warriors are paid like it is a job. This would be your job. Also, the Omegas have a nanny service provided to warriors for free. There is also daycare for those who work outside jobs. You can send out a message, and they will send you a resume, and you can then choose which one you want to hire. She will be your personal nanny. They are on call 24/7," Sophie explained with a gentle smile.

I was shocked! How could this be any more perfect?! When did I get so lucky?

"I think you made her speechless," Olivia laughed, causing them to all giggle.

"It's just... I have never heard of that being done. I think it's wonderful that you all work together so well. I'm just so happy to be a part of this pack now," I said, trying to hold back tears.

I heard someone sniffling and looked down at Allison with a smile.

"Don't (sniff) look at (sniff) me that (sniff) way (sniff) it's the (sniff) hormones!" (sniff) she said, making us all laugh.

"We are all happy you are here now. It's like you were meant to be a part of our family all along!" Olivia said.

Dealla: YES! Time to be kickass again!

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