My Baby

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When we all woke up, we decided to take a break from meetings today and just rest. Tensions were high, and parents wanted to be with their children for a little while. While everyone was at breakfast except Wyatt and Alisson, we talked about what everyone would do. Tilly was overly excited to see Jed was here and sat with him the whole time. Rose then invited us to come for a visit, and the girls were so excited there was no way I could say no. Theo said he had some pack business to attend to with Ashton, so he would stay at the packhouse for now. Sophie wanted to come with us, and so did her kids. My mom, Austin, and Ella came with us and their kids. Everyone else wanted a nice, quiet day.

Once we were at their house, the girls and the boys ran off to see the animals. Jed and Austin followed behind them. Sophie stole Conner from me, which didn't surprise me at all. My mom and Ella made themselves at home and got comfortable on the couch. Ella somehow seemed bigger today, but she still had more than two months to go. Rose got busy making drinks for everyone, so I went to help her. I walked up next to Rose and gave her a big side hug. I hadn't seen Rose in a while, and I missed her. She had been so much to me in such a short time I would never be able to thank her enough.

"What was that for?" she asked softly, smiling.

"Just for being there for us. For your kindness and love," I told her honestly.

She stared at me for a moment and then turned away quickly but not before I could see her eyes well with tears. She made herself busy again, and I got some snacks ready.

After all, the snack had been eaten, and drinks had been drunk, we had rounds of girls' chat. It was nice just to pretend that everything was normal. When the kids and guys came inside, Rose got up to get hot cocoa and lunch for them. A very reluctant Sophie handed over Conner to my mom and went to help Rose. Andrew showed up just in time for food and had all the kids in giggle fits when he spun Sophie around the kitchen dancing and then dipped her and kissed her passionately. Sophie was either laughing or hitting him away from her, which made us all laugh even more. After a while, the kids wanted to go back outside and play. Jed got Austin to help him clear off the chairs on the back deck and start a fire in the pit. All of us ladies grabbed blankets and went to sit outside and watch the kids play. There were only a few hours of light left, and we wanted them to enjoy it.

Theo: My love, will you be there much longer?

Maggie: Maybe a couple more hours. Why? Is everything okay?

Theo: Oh, yeah, fine. I was just deciding if I should come out there or just wait. I was going to shift, but I still can't reach Dex.

Maggie: Same. I can't reach Dealla either. You can come if you want. The kids are just playing outside right now.

Theo: Okay, I'll be there soon.

Maggie: Yay!

The kids were building a snowman, and Sara was bossing everyone around. Her Alpha blood was substantial; however, I think two little boys would do anything she asked anyway. It was cute to watch them. I loved that my children could just be kids now.

I felt a rise of panic in me that made me jump to my feet. Everyone around me stopped talking and looked at me. There was fear and so much terror. It wasn't my feeling, though; it was Theos.

Theo: Get the children! Get them now!

Everything happened so fast, and all at the same time, I had no time to think or process what he just said.

The kids all started screaming, and I screamed for them to run to us simultaneously. All the adults surged to their feet, and Jed and Austin took off after them. I followed behind them. The kids were a good distance away because they wanted fresh snow to build a bigger snowman.

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