I Know

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I woke up to Sara snuggling deeper into my arms. I had fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep last night, but even after hours of deep sleep, I felt tired. I had worried that all I would dream about was Theo. Just the thought of him hurt my heart even more. I understood now that people would die of a broken heart after losing a mate. All I wanted to do was find a dark place to slip away and be with him. But the other part of me knew that I had kids that needed me. I had people that needed me now.

There was a soft knock on the door, and I peeked my eyes open to see who it was. I was surprised to see Ashton come into the room. She looked worried, but I motioned for her to come in.

"How is she?" she asked quietly.

"I think she is good. She has been asleep the whole time," I whispered.

"Can you come out into the hall for a moment?" she asked.

I nodded my head and slowly moved away from Sara. I slid away from the bed and grabbed a pillow for Sara to hold onto, praying she would sleep longer still. I hated to leave her, but the look on Ashton's face had me worried about something.

"What's going on?" I asked her after we left the room.

"We need to tell you something, but I need to you promise me something. I need you to remain level-headed. You need to listen to everything before you react," when she paused, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

I was getting really worried about what she was going to tell me. I could hear her heart beating fast. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing she was about to say to me. I was worried that she was going to tell me that Cain got out or that the beast ran away or someone killed it. Or maybe Annabeth didn't make it back. A million things ran through my head.

"Follow me," she told me and turned around.

"What about Sara?" I called after her.

"A nurse will be here in a minute to watch her," she told me without turning around.

I followed her down the hall to another room, and when she entered, I could see that there were a lot of people in the room. I saw the twins and Seth standing tense. Wyatt, Jed, and Rose were also there. On the other side of the room, there were quite a few Alphas with some of their betas as well. Then I saw Esma sitting on a chair with tears running down her face.

"What's going on?" I asked hesitantly.

Everyone looked around at each other, almost as if trying to see who would speak first. I was starting to lose my patience. I could feel the fear and worry they were all feeling, and it was beginning to make me angry.

"Speak!" I shouted when no one said anything.

"I'll tell her," Esma said quietly.

There was a collective sigh in the room when she said that. I could only imagine what she was about to tell me now.

"Before I tell you, I just want you to know that it wasn't my idea," she let out a little sob and took a breath.

"When I had my vision, I not only saw what would happen, but I saw different ways it could happen. I've never had a vision like this was before. I saw Sara running away just like she did, and I saw everything that happened up until Cain and Alpha Theo started to fight. I saw Theo kill Cain, but the moment he did, the beast came after them and killed Sara and Theo," she stopped for a moment and wiped her face. I was shocked. I had no thoughts or words.

She took a deep breath and continued. "I also saw that if Theo died in the fight, Sara would live, and we had a better chance of winning. I told Alpha Theo all this. He saved my life, and I owe him everything. I had to warn him about what would happen. It was his choice, I swear! I just helped him," she fell back in her chair and sobbed.

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