A Mother's Hug

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Rose and Jed sat across from me silently. It was a lot of information to process. I knew this. During the years we had hidden, each time I will tell the part up until being captured, most Alphas and Lunas would freak out. No one had heard what happened to us after we went back home. To my knowledge, not even my brother came looking for us. I found that hard to believe when Cain told me that, but I had no way of knowing.

"So... you didn't die?" asked Jed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Well dear, almost everyone knows about you. Your story became quite famous. Rumor was that the pack you were last at tried to get other packs together to come and find you after you and your family left. When they went to confront this Alpha, he said that you and your family were attacked by rouges on the way and died. Apparently, there were even graves made for you all.

"My brother was a part of that pack. He was mated to the Beta's daughter. I was told no one came looking for us," I said quietly.

I could feel my wolf's anger at the information we were just given. It had been years since I was able to talk to her fully. I was given a regular dose of wolfsbane every day to keep her suppressed. After a year, my body became used to it and I started feeling her come back. Cain could feel my wolf more so he upped the dose and pushed her back down. Every few months after that, he would up the dose again just to make sure. It had been almost a week since I had last gotten a shot and I am looking forward to talking to Dealla again.

"Well, I think that's enough for one night. That was a lot to process and I am sure you now have some things to think about. Just know that no matter what, this whole country will come fighting for you now. There are new laws in place now because of you. I know we both still have more questions but it's gotten pretty late already. You all just sleep as much as you want and I'll make sure food is ready when you wake up," Rose said, standing up to walk around to me.

She pulled me up from my chair and hugged me tightly. I instantly felt tears come to my eyes and blinked hard to keep them away. It had been years since I had been hugged, let alone by a mother. This was a mother's hug and I felt it to my bones. My body relaxed and I felt so calm. I knew she was a witch, but I wasn't gonna think about that too much right now. I'll just blame it on the hug.

After that, we said goodnight and went off to our rooms. The kids were still out like lights and I was grateful for that. They needed a good night's sleep for once. I made sure Connor was still covered and snuggled into the blankets and soft pillows. I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

The following morning, I woke up more rested than I had in years. I reached over to feel for Connor but was met with an empty cold space. I sat up quickly and saw that the girls were gone as well. I jumped out of bed and opened the door looking for them. I calmed down when I heard them laughing in the kitchen. I felt the panic leave slowly and be replaced with confusion.

"Well look who decided to finally wake up," Rose chuckled.

"Mom!" Sara and Tilly both yelled while running up to me.

"Mommy we thought you would never wake up!" Tilly said giggling.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"It's two in the afternoon, dear," Rose answered for her.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I had no idea. Why didn't you wake me?" I asked.

"Oh, you hush! It's no problem at all. I knew you would be exhausted. I'm sure you hardly got any decent sleep during your travels.

The girls woke up and brought out Conner. They even asked if we could let you sleep more. So really, it's Sara's fault," she said, winking at Sara.

I laughed a little and pulled my girls in for a hug. I breathed them in and I could feel my wolf purr in happiness. I knew she missed her babies. I was feeling her more and more now.

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