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I sat angrily brooding in my chair looking at a bus map. I would make her pay with her life this time. Thanks to some cameras around the housing development, we could see what car she was in. We were able to track her down to a bus station but we lost her after that. Somehow, she covered their scent. My guess was Tony had some help in that. I had men out everywhere looking for them, and no evidence of them can be found. There is no way she could just disappear like that.

Tony had folded easy enough in aiding their escape. Luckily for him, I couldn't control my anger and killed him before I could get more information from him. I knew he would be the one to help her. He never should have been friends with her. I should have stopped that years ago. He thought he could take what was mine. I should have made him suffer more. If he had a mate, I would have killed her just to hurt him.

I look at my glass and reach across my desk for the bottle to fill it up again. This bottle won't last me long I thought to myself. Fuck it, I'll just drink from the bottle.

Mind link

Annabeth: Cain, can I come in?

Cain: Of course.

Annabeth walks in and sits on my lap. I lean my head against her back and inhale her calming scent. She always knows how to calm me.

"Did you find her yet?" she asks me.

"No, but we will soon. She thinks she can run from me, but she is wrong. I will hunt her to the ends of the world if I must. She is crazy to think she could take my children from me!" I could see the hurt in her eyes as I say this, but she quickly covers it up. She knew what this relationship would be like.

"Maybe you should just let her go for now and I can start having your children. You will need a son to take over one day," Anger rushes through me so fast I don't even let her finish talking.

"I have a son!" I stand up fast, knocking my chair over and wrap my hand around her neck and shove her into the wall by my desk.

"Don't even think about trying to take her place. You are here for my pleasure only and I cannot risk the Goddess's anger by rejecting my mate. You will never be her!" I whisper into her ear.

Just for good measure I throw her on my desk and pull her shorts down. Still holding her neck, I lift her leg and slam into her taking my pleasure while enjoying her screams of pain. This is what she is here for. Even though she is on birth control I never finish in her just to be safe. She doesn't deserve my children. Only Maggie can hold that honor. Once I'm done, I let her fall to the ground.

"Get out. I'm tired and don't want to see your face right now." I shout.

She is crying silently now and grabs her shorts and stands up. As she runs out the door, I can feel her pain in the mate bond but ignored it. I'm stronger than that. These women will never make me weak. I flop back into my chair. I don't even bother to zip up my pants. I would find Annabeth later and make sure she really understands that she won't have my children. I chugged the last of the bottle and threw it against the wall. It was a little satisfying watching it shatters. I felt the urge to trash my desk until I looked at my computer again. I needed a new plan. I had to find Maggie quickly and I needed my damn children back! I knew just who to call.

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