Truly Happy

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It had been a week since we first took Sara down to see Alec. Sara and gone every day to see him now, and as the days went by, we felt more comfortable letting them meet in his room. She always had Theo or me with her, but they loved being able to give each other hugs. Sara would bring her crafts down, and they would draw or play card games. Last night Theo and I joined in a game of Life. It was awkward at first, but we were all laughing by the end of the game. Theo almost won, but Sara had more money than him. Alec ended up with seven children because he hit every baby space on the board. I lost badly, but I enjoyed watching them play so much that I didn't care.

On the way back to our home Theo even told me that if it wasn't for what Alec had done in the past, he would probably have liked him and been good friends with him. Alec was winning over everyone now.

Tony had come by a few days ago to see him. When Alec saw Tony, he cried almost as hard as he did with Sara. They talked for a little while, and it ended on good terms, but I could tell that Alec was becoming depressed. He was still coming to terms with how much damage he had actually done. Mike had even noticed a change in Alec, and he started to go and visit him more often as well. I felt that time was running out for Alec before he gave up on himself.

Tonight we were meeting again to go over the steps to remove Cain from Alec. We had been fighting all week about it. Rose had insisted that she be a part of it again. We all were against it, Jed included. None of us wanted her to go through that again. Every day she would insist that she would be a part of it. Tonight we were finally deciding if we would let her or now. Rose had meant so much to us that we were afraid of losing her from this.

We were all sitting down in the conference room, waiting for Jed and Rose to arrive. This time we planned on having more people come with us. We were hoping it would be easier because we knew that there was only one body we needed to go through this time. There shouldn't be any surprises this time, we hoped.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. The truck would start," Jed said when they walked in.

"I keep telling you, dad, to let me buy you a new one! That truck is junk now," Wyatt told him and shook his head.

"Now, son, you listen here. Ruby is not junk! She just needs a little TLC, is all. And don't let her hear you say that you will hurt Ruby's feeling," Jed said, sarcastically making us all laugh.

They joked around for a few minutes about cars and trucks and how they should or should not be taken care of. Even Ashton got in on the topic by taking Jed's side. Who knew she was such a car enthusiast!?

"Alright, that's enough, boys. And girls. Let's get down to business, so I can take my man to buy a new truck," Rose said, and we all roared with laughter. Now we knew who side Rose was on. Jed sat back in his chair with a huff and murmured "Traitor" under his breath, making us laugh even harder. Gosh, I was going to miss this when we finally left for our home.

"Now, I know you are all against it, but you will not stop me from helping. I have rested enough, and nothing you say will keep me from doing what needs to be done," Rose held up her hand to silence us as soon as she finished talking. She knew that we would all object to this.

"Rose, please. Reconsider? We don't know how dangerous this will be. We don't know what Cain is capable of still, and you have risked so much already," Theo begged Rose. We all nodded and agreed with him.

"I understand your concern; really, I do. But please trust me that I know what I am doing," Rose told us.

After a few more minutes of us arguing, we all gave in, and Rose got her way. We discussed the plan for tomorrow and decided it would happen first thing in the morning. We planned to have a massive amount of people this time. It may have been overkill, but we learned our lesson the hard way the first time.

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