Deep Sleep

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Sara and I had just gotten to Alpha Wyatt's office when I heard several people running down the hall to us. Rose, Jed, Andrew, Tylor, Olivia, and Jacob all came to a halt next to us, asking a million questions at once. The door swung open, and Alpha Wyatt barked at us to go inside and keep it quiet.

"Where are my other kids?" I asked as everyone settled down.

"Sophie and Alison are watching them right now. They are keeping them in the game room, and Conner is asleep still," Rose answered.

"I believe we all have the same questions," Alpha Wyatt said, looking at me.

Great. Get right to the point. My nerves were fried. What if they kicked us out because of this?? My heart started pounding; I'm sure they could all hear it.

"Calm down, Maggie. Clearly, by the look on your face, you didn't know about this," Olivia said, standing up to put her arm around me.

"Mommy, am I in trouble?" Sara asked quietly, looking up at me. I immediately knelt and pulled her into a hug. She protected those boys, and I would not let them be angry about this.

"No, sweety, you aren't in trouble! You did an amazing thing, and you protected your friends! You would never be in trouble for doing something so brave," I said. I made sure to look at everyone while I told her, pleading with my eyes that they would agree with me. I visibly saw everyone relax and let the tension go from their bodies. I'm sure Sara could feel that tension, and it scared her.

"Sara, come here," Andrew called to her. She looked up at him and nodded her head, letting me go. He grabbed her hands, kneeled, and pulled her into a big hug.

"You saved my boys, and I will never be mad about that. Besides their mom, I love my children more than anything in the world. I now owe you a huge debt," he said with tears glistening in his eyes.

"What's a debt?" Sara asked, causing us all to laugh, and making the room feel even lighter.

"It means I will do anything for you now. Even if I have to buy you a pony!" he said, winking and laughing.

Oh boy...

Before Sara could get excited about that, she let out a big yawn. Shifting took a lot of energy, and I was sure she was tired. She walked back to me, and I picked her up. She may be seven, but she will always be my baby.

"Alpha, If you don't mind, I will take her back to our room for a nap and then come right back so we can discuss this?" I phrased it more as a question, but I already had gotten up to leave.

"Of course. We will be here waiting," he said as I walked to the door. Sara was already closing her eyes as I walked down the hall to our floor.

Maggie: Dea, can you communicate with her wolf?

Dealla: No, I have been trying. But it's like there is a block up.

Maggie: How is that possible?

Dealla: Maybe she isn't strong enough yet?

Maggie: I guess... Have you ever heard about this happening?

Dealla: No, but there are legends. You will have to look. I'm sure someone knows something.

She was right. There had to be information out there somewhere. I just hope we can find it soon. My training would be more critical than ever. I needed to protect my babies even more now. I put Sara on her bed, and Alison and her daughter Susan came into our apartment.

"We came to see if we could stay with her. Sophie is looking after the other kids with Peter, and I didn't want you to worry about leaving her alone," Alison said.

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