My Luna

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We were getting ready to go to White Pine pack tomorrow. Alpha Wyatt had called yesterday needing help. I had this unease about going, but I knew we needed to be there. I would be bringing only a few people with me—my most trusted warriors, along with two of our best witches and two of our best vampires.

"Alpha, that witch Esma is here to see you. She said it's urgent," Ashton said as she walked into my office.

"Let her in then," I replied.

She opened the door wider, and Esma stepped in and walked right to my desk. She looked frantic and worried.

"What is it, Esma?" I asked, now concerned.

"Alpha, I had a vision. You are needed at the White Pine Pack right now. There will be a witch attacking them within an hour, and you are there to help in my vision. My visions have always come true, and I feel that if you are not there for this... well, let's just say that I don't have a good feeling about what will happen," she spoke so fast it was hard to keep up with her.

I had so many questions running through my head. I knew this was not the time to just jump into action. We needed to prepare for this. If it wasn't happening for a little bit, we had enough time to gather more people to help.

"Esma, can you portal enough people to help us? Do you know where it is taking place so we could be at an advantage?" I asked.

"Yes Alpha, in my vision, we did just that. I know where we need to go and who we need to bring," she said.

"Great, Ashton, help gather everyone in the hall, and we will leave in 15 minutes," I said, standing up to gather my things.


It was my mother. My mother was alive! I felt devastated and happy at the same time. She was within reach, but I knew it would not be that easy. She had been with them this whole time. I could have saved her too, and guilt hit me like a freight train.

Seth: Keep your head together. You obviously know this woman. Don't let this distract you.

I didn't answer him. Instead, I took a deep breath and stepped around him. This woman scared me more than anything in the world, but I would not let her see my fear any longer.

"Let my mother go!" I yelled at her, causing everyone to gasp.

"You are free to take her... if you give me what I want in return," she said with an evil smile.

"What do you want? If it's me, you can take me. Just let her go!" I yelled again.

Everyone around me started to protest angrily. Seth's hands wrapped around me and pulled me closer to his chest and let out a loud growl.

Maggie: I will do what I must to save my mother.

I mind linked to everyone.

Rose: Be patient, dear. We are not that helpless.

Maggie: You don't understand, I HAVE to save her!

"Now, let's see. What do I want? Well, for starters, I need you and Connor," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. She paced back and forth and clasped her hands behind her back. She talked as though there wasn't a care in the world.

"You will never touch my son!" I yelled.

"Tsk-tsk, you should know better by now that he is mine and not yours. He was always meant to be mine!" she said with venom in her voice.

Hot anger flooded my body. The urge to shift and rip her head off was overwhelming. Dealla's comment kept ringing in my mind not to shift. I wanted to kill this woman so badly. I was working hard not to shift.

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