Mental Wall

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It only took us all a second to freak out with Areol leaving the way he did. Everyone was on their feet, asking Kadir a million questions at once. He stood up fast and pulled Ashton behind him, making Theo mad that he assumed we would hurt Ashton. Kadir threw up his hands and snapped his fingers, and instantly we were all silenced. Everyone was trying to talk still, but no one made a sound.

"Please, calm down. My brother is not a man of many words. He will be right back and explain what he found," he said, trying to calm everyone down.

I was impressed with his power. I was a little jealous that he could make everyone be quiet if I'm honest. He snapped his fingers, and we were all able to talk again. Everyone took a minute to calm down, but we all stayed quiet, waiting for Areol to return. Five minutes later, he appeared the same way he disappeared before.

"I apologize for running out like that. I feel this is time-sensitive, and explaining would take too much time," he said and placed a few more books on the table.

"I realize this may be a long explanation, but please bear with me. This book here is a journal of King Orin. There are very few books left of his, so I have been transcribing this book to save it. In this book, he talks about his wolf leaving him for a period of time," those words have everyone paying attention.

King Orin was murdered over 1000 years ago. We never had a king after that. Many had tried to gain control, but it was as if the role was cursed and no man lived longer than a year. After the last one died, no one tried to take over again. It was said that the Goddess had taken the royal powers away as a punishment for those who thought they were better than the rest.

"He never got to why he was missing his wolf, but he had some theories as to why. Maggie, Theo, have your wolves talked to you about that time?" he asked us, and all eyes turned to us.

"Dex, will not talk about it. He tells me it's forbidden to speak about," he said, sounding frustrated.

"All Dex would say is that it was what the Goddess wanted," he continued and looked at me.

"Well, I can't really say I lost Dealla for that time because I couldn't feel her to begin with. I had been disconnected from her for a long time already," I told them, and then a memory stirred in my mind.

"Wait! Dealla did say something to me on my birthday. She had told me she had already met our mate! I didn't believe her, and I just thought she was trying to help me get over Alec. Could that be possible?" I asked, looking around.

There was a mixture of confused and worried faces in the room. I was worried now that I had missed something important. I never really believed Dealla when she would say things about our mate. I was now struggling with why I chose not to believe her or even act on what she told me.

"Could you ask them now as to why that happened? Maybe having this new information will let them talk a little more," Alpha Wyatt asked Theo and me.

We both nodded and went to try talking to our wolves.

Maggie: Dealla, you have a lot of explaining to do.

It felt like I was hitting a wall in my head. I was instantly worried. I never even felt her put a block up! The look on Theo's face told me he was having the same issue. He looked angry. There was a vein in his neck that was bulging. If this weren't such a stressful time, I would have loved to lick it just to calm him down.

Maggie: Dealla! Where are you!?!

I hit a mental wall again, and this time it gave me a massive headache! I fell forward onto the ground holding my head and cried out in agony. There was a commotion around me, but the sounds were so loud I had to cover my ears. I felt arms wrap around me and pick me up. From his smell and tingles, I knew it was Theo. His touch was calming, but there was a fire in my head now. I was having a hard time keeping myself awake.

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