Catch Me If You Can

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My creation was almost complete! The foolish pup almost got rid of one of the things I needed. All I needed now was blood, and then I could kill that ridiculous Alpha who thought he was better than everyone. My prophecy would come to pass, and I would finally have my rightful place returned to me. I would have my vengeance on the Goddess! After years of being stuck in this hellish place, I would finally be free.


The following day I woke up wrapped in Theo's arms. His warm body still pressed up against me, holding me tight. Last night had been fantastic. It was everything it should have been. I grieved my past, wishing that I had only ever been with Theo, but I knew that my future was so much brighter than I ever thought it would be. I was ready to start over and be the strong woman I knew I was meant to be.

I was ready to start training again and getting my warrior's body back. I missed the confidence that I used to have. I wanted to show my children that no matter the complex trials you have in life, you can always take control and overcome them.

I gently moved Theo's arm so I could get out of bed. Luckily the illusion of the room faded away last night after we let our wolves take over. Boy, did they have fun. They blocked us out for most of it, but I could feel how much fun they had in my body. Dealla was also passed out and won't wake up when I tried to talk to her, so she was obviously exhausted. I was so happy for them and for Dealla to finally see her mate.

I finally made my way to the bathroom, and Theo stayed asleep the whole time. He must be a heavy sleeper. I got dressed in my clothes from yesterday and looked for some paper and a pen. After digging around in the desk he had in his room, I found some and wrote a note saying I had to change and check on my kids. I also wanted to go for a run. It had been a while since I had been able to run.

I left the note on my pillow and left the room as quietly as possible. Once I got to the Beta floor, Seth walked out of his room as I passed by.

"Maggie, good morning," his booming voice echoed down the hall.

"Good morning, Beta Seth," I replied to him.

There was something about him that just drew me to him. It was like his aura was calling me. Since the first day I met him, I had noticed this. It never made me uncomfortable until now. I had a mate, and I didn't want to feel drawn to anyone else.

"I'm guessing this is your walk of shame or rather of pride," he said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Definitely not ashamed of last night at all," I laughed back at him.

Seth had followed me down to my door, and we were now standing in front of it. It must have been early if he was only just now getting up. I still needed to talk to Andrew about starting my training, but I knew it wouldn't last long. I knew that I would be going with Theo after all this was over. I would be a Luna...

"Maggie," Seth said in almost a whisper and walked closer to me, "I feel very connected to you. I'm not sure why but I want to protect you and take care of you. I know you aren't my mate, and I know-"

"Seth, stop!" I held up my hand to keep him from talking.

"Please don't do this. I don't understand what this connection is, but I would never betray Theo. You have become a good friend of mine, but I will never be more than that with you," I told him, raising my hands up to keep him at a distance from me.

"No, Maggie, I didn't really mean that way. I just have a strong urge to protect you," he paused and looked confused, "I'm not sure why I feel this way. I just can't help it."

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