Keep Coming Back

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We all stood there staring at the figures, each waiting for the other to make the first move. All the men went to stand in front of us. Andrew, Areol, Kadir, and two other male witches began to make a shield around our group.

"We are here to help you pass on. Come out here," Theo yelled across the field.

There was laughter that rang across the air, and it made my blood run cold. I knew that laugh. It haunted me in my nightmares. It made me want to curl up into a ball and cry.

The figure stepped out from the tree line and into the light. Surprised gasps filled the air as Demelza, Tony's wolf Thunder, and a werebear stepped out. I didn't even care how this happened, but I knew one thing, I was going to kill her again. But this time, she was going to stay dead!

"Hello, Maggie dear. It's good to see you again. Did you miss me?" Demelza said cackling. I remembered her words right before I had killed her, that she would keep coming back. I never expected it to be this soon!

As they walked, it was as if they were made of mist. Each step they took, a misty portion of them followed behind them. It was eerie; it was as if they were glitching. They walked a little closer and then stopped. She stared us down while we all stood still in disbelief. I looked to Kadir and Areol, hoping they had some understanding reaction on their faces. To my utter disappointment, they looked just as shocked as I felt.

"I wish you could see your faces," she let out a laugh again.

"You have no idea what you have just done! You all thought you were so smart, yet you fell into my trap again! How splendid for me!" she sounded insane.

How could we have fallen into her trap again? I killed her...Right?

"It's good to see you alive, Theo. I was afraid we would never get the chance to meet," Demelza winked at Theo. I was about to move before Theo's hand shot out to stop me from moving.

"Was one death not enough for you that you had to come back for another?" I asked her through gritted teeth.

"Oh, not at all. In fact," she began pacing as she talked, "I should thank you. If you had known about this little trick before you "killed" me, that would have made this a lot harder. You see, I had a feeling that luck would not be on my side that night. I sent half of myself here, so if I did die, then I could still come back to finish what I started. Why do you think I needed so many witched to feed off of?" she asked us as if we should have known that already.

Andrew: Can we shift in here?

Theo: I don't know...

Maggie: Rose?

Rose: You will have to try. I don't know if there is enough of us to take on all three.

"How is your lover, Maggie dear?" I knew she was asking about Alec, but I wasn't going to give her any fuel on me. She was trying to rile me up, but just the fact that she was there had me ready to explode!

I could feel the anger practically vibrating off of Theo. This was one fight he was ready for, and this time there was nothing stopping him. I just hoped we could shift.

Dealla: We will try. I don't know how it will work being in a subconsciousness. We will feed you our strength either way.

Dex: Angel mine, We will protect you this time.

Maggie: No, Dex. We will protect each other this time.

Theo gave me a hard look, but I saw in his eyes he understood what I was saying. We were fighting this together this time. There was no way I would sit back and let them fight for me again. Theo closed his eyes and linked us all together.

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