No Doubt

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Theo practically ran to his room. Even with the threat of a battle, we still needed each other. Since I had come back from The Goddess' realm, I kept having an uncontrollable urge to mate with Theo. I needed him like a fire burning in my soul. There was no time for any soft lovemaking. I needed him raw and fast. We barely made it into the door before he started to rip my clothes off.

"I need you! Now! Dex is fighting for control, and it's going to be hard to stop him," Theo told me through clenched teeth.

"Don't hold back. I need you just as much," I said breathlessly.

We were both naked in seconds, and our bodies clashed together in a heated mash. My hands weaved into his hair, pulling his mouth down to mine. One of his hands wrapped around my waist while the other went to my chest. He roughly twisted a nipple which was a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was like pouring gas on an already burning fire. I moved a hand down to his member, and when I started to stroke him, he hissed in pleasure. Our mouths moved against each other as if trying to devour each other. We were both fighting for dominance. He picked up my legs and wrapped them around him, and walked us to the bed. I could feel myself getting wetter with every passing second.

"God, baby, you smell amazing," Theo said, pulling his mouth away from mine. He started to kiss down my neck, and when he kissed my mark, my whole body began to vibrate with pleasure. I moved my head to his mark and nibbled on his as well. He started to growl and grind against me.

Lifting one of my legs higher, he positioned himself at my entrance and pushed in without waiting.

"Mate!" he threw his head back and shouted. Dex.

I let Dealla come to the surface a little as well. It was like all four of us were there at the same time. I had never felt so connected before to all of them. Theo kept pumping into me and hitting that one spot that made me lose my mind every time. The pressure was building so fast that it was hard to keep up.

I kept at his mark, and he kept at mine. Our moans and slapping of flesh were the only sound you could hear in the room.

"I'm so close," I say while catching my breath. I was breathing so hard that it was getting hard to focus. My body was just on another level. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust he made sent pleasure right to my core.

Dex: Bite

Dealla: Bite

They both mind linked us simultaneously, and we needed no further instructions. Theo and I both sunk our teeth into each other's marks. The ecstasy from the bite was so overwhelming that we both orgasmed at the same time. The bedroom began to shake as if there was an earthquake in our room. A white-hot bolt of pleasure pierced through Theo and I, and as soon as we finished our release, we both collapsed. All I remember was a pure white light filling the room and then darkness. If sex was the way I would die, that was one hell of a way to go!


I woke up to a thudding sound and was dazed for a moment; I was confused about where I was. I was lying sideways on the bed, which I had never done before. The blanket from the couch was lying over me, and the space next to me was still slightly warm but empty. I bolted up only to see Maggie standing up after tripping over something on the floor.

"Sorry, I tripped on your shoes. Go back to sleep," she whispered to me and walked to the bathroom. I got up and followed her to make sure she was okay. When I walked in, she was turning the showing on with it bring such a big house it took a minute for the hot water to reach us. So she walked over to the sink and started to wash her face. She was still naked, so my eyes roamed her body. I noticed how smooth her skin was, and it almost looked like it was glowing. Her legs seemed more defined and toned, along with her arms. That's when it hit me. Her scars were gone!

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