The Biggest A-hole

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I was shocked. Hurt. Confused. Maggie was my mate, yet she already had a child. I had sworn off women until I found my mate because she was special to me. How could she have done this to us? Anger quickly took over.

"You're a mother?!" I yelled.

"Please, Theo, let me explain," Maggie begged.

I could see she was on the verge of tears, and it momentarily stopped my anger until I saw her push her daughter behind her legs. Did she really think I would hurt her child!?

"There is nothing to explain. I know how having a child works," I said through gritted teeth.

I didn't even want to hear what she had to say about this. She should have saved herself for me! I couldn't even stand to look at her. So I left. I walked out the door and didn't even look back as she cried out for me.

All these years of searching now waisted!


Theo: WHAT??

Dex: You have no idea what she was going to tell you! GO BACK! Go back to our mate!!

Theo: NO! Nothing she could say would change the fact that she has a child, and it's not mine.

Dex: How would that change anything!? How do you know we aren't her second chance mate!?

That thought put a pause in my steps. Did she love another before me? Of course, she did! That's how she has a child. Right? I could feel Dex trying to take over, so I pushed him back and blocked him off. I felt terrible the moment I walked away. I don't know why I was so angry over this. I needed to think about this.


I stood there shocked. I tried to call him. I was begging him to come back so I could tell him what had happened. But he just left. I felt his rejection deep in my heart and used all my strength to keep myself standing.

He had crushed all of my hopes and dreams of having a kind and loving mate in this one moment. I pulled Sara close to me and tried as hard as I could not let her see my tears.

"Mommy, who was that man?" Sara asked.

"Well, baby, he is my mate," I said.

I didn't want to lie to her. Eventually, she would have known, and I don't particularly like keeping things from my kids. Before I could close the door, a man that looked very much like a doctor walked up to us.

"Hello Maggie, I'm Dr. Abara. It looks like your little one found you," he said with a smile.

"Um, hello, doctor," I replied.

"You look all healthy and glowing. Guess that mate bond is doing you good. You are free to leave at any time. I know the Alpha is waiting to talk to you and Alpha Theo," he said and then walked away.

It was nice that he was short and sweet with his words, but it was like a knife in the heart when he said my mate would do me good. I knew that Theo didn't know the whole story, but I had hoped he would have at least listened to me before he rejected me.

"Let's go home," I told Sara.

"Okay, momma, Tilly is still asleep, and Mrs. Sophie has Conner still," she said, grabbing my hand as we left the room.

We walked silently back to our apartment. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't see Seth standing in front of my door.

"Maggie!" Seth said, running to us.

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