Not Good

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That morning the mood amongst us was somber with a hint of excitement. We are all ready to get this done, but we all know the consequences of failing. Tony was the top priority today, and we all need to be focused. After breakfast, everyone who was required today met in the conference room. To be totally honest, I was not too fond of this room now. Almost all the memories in the room are not happy ones.

Once we were all gathered, Esma started to explain what we would be doing.

"Before we all gather to begin, I would like to spend an hour or so with our King and Queen. I had another vision last night after we all went to bed. You have a gift that will be very useful for us today," Esma told us all. We all looked at Theo, and he looked just as lost as us.

"What is it?" Theo asked.

"All Alpha's have the ability to use a commanding voice on their pack members. You being the Alpha King, have the ability to use that command on all wolves despite their rank. However, an added bonus that the Goddess has gifted you with is that you have the ability to use a commanding voice on all of our Goddess's creations. It is a gift you will have to use extreme discretion on but for today will come in handy. I believe with the proper training, you will be able to help us even more today," Esma explained to us. Every time she had a vision, something significant always happened.

Theo looked uncomfortable at the idea but nodded his head in agreement. It's unheard of for just one of our species to be in control over all others. Not even the last King had that ability. However, Theo had already begun to make alliances with others. He had built many foundations with so many people that it would only make sense for him to be King over all.

"So are you saying that Theo is King over Witches, Vampires, and Fairies?" Andrew asked Esma.

"In a way, yes. But this can be something we talk about another time. For now, let's focus on saving Tony," Esma said, trying to regain back in the topic at hand.

"Okay, so first, we will need Areol and Kadir to form another ritual circle. It will need to be big enough for all of us to fit. We will have an extra ten witches standing off to the side to keep control or bring us back if needed," Karid and Areol both nodded in understanding and looked around to count how many were in the room.

"Rose, you will help me with enchanting Tony. We will need all four souls captured so they can not come back together again. Once they are all separated, we will bring back Tony and hopefully his wolf as well. Andrew, you will need to help Olivia with healing them both so they are strong enough to survive," Esma got right to business explaining everyone's parts.

"What do you mean four souls?" I asked her, breaking her from her speech.

"Ah, yes, well, the werebear had a human as well. Cletus's soul is attached to the werebear, not the human. Unfourtuently we don't have any connection to this human, so for all we know, he was consumed by Demelza. If his soul is there, we will need to contain it," Esam continued to explain what we would all need to do.

After 45 minutes of talking about the plan, Theo left with Esma and a few others to start working on his Command voice. We were hoping this would work. If Theo could command them not to move or cooperate, we could get this done a lot faster. I was beginning to worry about if this would work or not. In theory, it sounded too easy. Esma explained it as a box that could suck the "person" inside it and lock it down. There would be no connection to it for the human counterpart after that. The only thing I could envision when she said that was the movie Jumanji when Alan got sucked into the game.

After an hour of them working on Theo's voice, which was impressive, we all met in the storage building. There were a lot more people in the building now. There was a witch and a wolf every five feet along the walls. I looked at Esma in question.

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