The Witch

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*Alpha Wyatt*

After mom left with Maggie, we all sat there fuming. Never in my life had I felt so much rage for one person. She may not have been born into the family, but she was becoming more and more like a sister to us all.

"I'm gonna kill that animal," I said, looking around at everyone. They all agreed. I could see it in their eyes.

"We need to take him down. If what Olivia thinks is true, and they had a binding spell on them, we need to be prepared for a fight. He may know where she is now, which could be the reason for the attack today," Andrew said with anger apparent on his face.

"She did mention a dark witch that worked with Cain. Maybe that is who is helping him now," Jacob suggested.

"Her name is Demelza, I think. Maggie told me she worked with Cain a lot," Olivia informed him. All the blood drained from Jacob's face. I had never seen him so pale before. His reaction put me on edge.

"Did you say Demelza?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, have you heard of her?" Olivia asked him.

"Oh yeah, this is not good..." he said quietly. Just then, Rose came back in and immediately noticed the tension in the room.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Have you ever heard of Demelza?" I asked my mom.

Watching her face pale was confirmation enough. My mom being scared of just a name meant this was bigger than we thought. We were going to need help. Lots and lots of help.

"Rose, I suggest we gather some friends and start a protection spell around the property and extra around the packhouse," Jacob said, standing up.

"That is a good idea. I'm gonna need all my children to come also. Since this is our land, having blood family with us will make the protection stronger. Wyatt, we will need some of your blood, and Olivia, get all the herbs for protection that you can find. I'm going to get my book. Expect some visitors soon. We need to do this tonight, if possible," Rose said, taking command of the room.

"Tylor, take over interrogation with the rogue and have Seth come find me when he gets here. We will need his help as well. Also, once you are done interrogating, make sure that everyone stays together in the same room until we all come back. Even if that means crowding in Maggie's apartment until she wakes up, and for no reason should anyone leave through the door!" I used that last bit as an Alpha command. I was worried for my family now, and I would do anything to protect them.

Alpha Wyatt: Attention all pack members. As of right now, there will be a lockdown for all members starting at sundown. Unless you are a warrior on duty or have been given permission from me personally, you will NOT leave your homes. If there is an emergency, reach out to Gamma Tylor.

Usually, the max an Alpha could mind link was 15, but due to my unique parents, I could use my power to extend to all pack members. I made sure to use my Alpha command on them. I could not risk anything happening to them tonight.


I awoke with a start. My wolf was pacing back and forth in my mind; her agitation was growing.

Dealla: Finally! We need to get up and go help them!

Maggie: What are you talking about? What's going on?

Dealla: They are casting a protection spell on the land from the witch and Cain. You HAVE to be there.

My attention was in complete focus now. I jumped up from bed and ran to the closet to put on better clothes and shoes.

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