The Moon

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Later that morning, we finished going over all the details with the rest of the Alphas. Everyone had received portal stones, so they could be here instantly when the time came. It made me nervous thinking about all the unknown. We still hadn't figured out what the reason for everything was. I had so many unanswered questions it was driving me nuts.

All of the Alphas' had left except for Alpha Josh and his Gamma Brent. Austin would be staying here until this was all over. Theo and Ashton were chatting about some pack issues he was having, and Alpha Wyatt talked with Alpha Josh about some new building plans. We had about 45 minutes before we needed to take the kids to the pool, and I was excited to relax some. My muscles were so sore after my morning run and...other activities.

All of a sudden, I felt this tingling electricity in the air. There was a loud crack, and Jacob and Olivia popped up in the room. Their arms were full of books and scrolls. There were two men behind them also holding more books. They looked like twins, but I didn't smell wolves on either of them.

"Wyatt," Olivia walked over to him, "We found it! Or at least we think we did."

"There are a few prophecies that it could be. We have found some interesting things so far, but we need some more details from you, Maggie," Jacob said, laying his stuff on the table.

I stood up quickly and walked over to the pile of books on the table. Some were written in a language I didn't know. There were papers folded in between many of the pages that looked like notes they were making. There were a few books on Witch history and some on dark spells and curses. I looked up to tell Theo to come over but was stopped by the look on Ashton's face.

Her body was tense; she was so rigid her body was shaking a little. Her gaze was locked on the two men that came in with Jacob and Olivia. They returned her stare with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Ash? You okay?" I asked her.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and let out a shaky sigh, "Mates," she said, and her eyes went black. There were shocked gasps in the room and a few chuckles. Theo stood up and slapped her on the back and helped her stand up.

I looked at the guy's faces, and they both had the same sly smile on. They indeed were twins. They were not wolves, but they surely were as big as them. They both had glasses and shaggy hair. Their outfits screamed nerds, which explained the books. The only thing different was their eyes. They both had a blue left eye, one had a golden right eye, and the other had a green right eye. It was wild but really cool. Once we knew their names, it would be easy to tell them apart.

"Well, I guess your mom was right. This visit will change your life," Olivia laughed at the two guys.

"Um, hi. My name is Areol," the one with the golden eye said. He had an accent that I couldn't quite place, but it was sexy.

"I am Kadir," the one with the green eye said.

Their gazes never left Ashton. I was so giddy for her! What a lucky girl to get two mates!! The Goddess must have something special planned for Ashton. Two mates were rare and special. She would have her work cut out for her, but they both looked ready for her. I wondered how they knew she was for them.

"Ash, maybe you should take Kadir and Areol to the family room so you can all chat. I'm sure you will all have questions for each other," Theo said, trying to snap her out of her haze.

"Um... oh right yeah," she said her face turning bright red, and quickly walked around the table.

It was funny to see the big badass girl fumble into an awkward teenager. The guys put their books down on the table and turned to Ashton. The way they moved in sync was weird, but it must be a twin thing. They both reached for her hand simultaneously and kissed her hands they were holding at the same time.

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