The Begining

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"We have until midnight. They will try to take us by surprise. We can meet them at the edge of the forest again. Their power will be great. The outcome of this will depend on Maggie and Theo," Esma told us.

"Wait, you have to tell me more. What happens? What do I need to do?" I begged her.

"I can't tell you that. If I tell you that, then there is a chance you won't do what you need to be doing. You have to trust that you will do what is right and what needs to be done.

"But, what about Sara? I have to save her! You have to tell me something!" I shouted at her.

"My love, she can't tell you. She needs to keep things from you so you are not waiting for something to happen and miss what you should be doing. Trust us to do everything we can to fight this. We have some warning now, and that will be enough," Theo told me, trying to comfort me some.

He was right. It was only 5 pm, so we still had some time to plan, but now that there was a time limit for how long until this was all over, I was scared. I was ready to finally end the years of torment. Whatever Demelza and Cain had planned for years would finally be over.

"We will be ready," Wyatt said, and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Gather everyone in the great hall," Theo commanded.

I stayed in my seat while everyone left for the great hall. I had mindlinked Ashton to stay behind for a moment. I told Theo that we needed a girl chat for a moment, and we would meet everyone down there soon.

"So, what's up? Oh no, you're not pregnant, right?" Ashton asked when she sat down.

"No! Of course not. There is just something I needed to ask you, "I suddenly felt nervous about asking her. She was Theo's Beta, so I didn't want him to distrust her. But I knew that I could trust her with this.

"Ash, if anything happens to Theo and me... I need you to take care of the kids. I know that I have my family still by my brother has lots of kids already, and my mom still needs to heal from everything. Losing my dad has taken a toll on her, whether she wants to admit it or not. I need to know that my children will be taken care of by someone I trust. I need you to be their Godmother," I blurted it all out, not looking her in the eyes, afraid to see her reaction.

When I looked up, Ashton had a shocked expression. She was genuinely speechless.

"I...I don't know what to say. I don't think anything will happen to either of you! But yes, I will take care of them. Why on earth would you pick me?" she asked in disbelief.

I had to laugh at her question, "Because I know that you will protect my children. You can teach my girls how to be badass warriors, and your nerdy twins can teach Conner that he can also be book smart. Also...because they will be next in line for our title. They will need protection constantly," I sighed.

She sat there for a moment, thinking about everything I had told her. I knew that she didn't think about Theo and I being King and Queen now. To be honest, I forget all the time. I will never get used to it.

"I will protect them with my life, but I do it as your Beta because nothing will happen to either of you," she said adamantly.

"Deal!" I laugh a little at her answer.

We left the room and went to the great hall. Everyone was there, and when I entered the room, Ashton fell in step behind me, and everyone parted a walkway for me and bowed their heads. It was going to be hard to get used to that. I was sure living my three-year-old self's dream at the moment. When I got up to the front, I stood by Theo.

"Thank you all for coming. We have received news that the battle will begin tonight at midnight. We will be ready to end this once and for all!" Theo shouted. The crowd rang out with cheers. Everyone was ready for this to be over.

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