The Baby Shower

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My pregnancy was going by so fast. I only had 1 month left before our sweet baby came. My mom was busy setting up the baby shower where we would find out what we were having. We, or rather I, decided I wanted to be surprised at the shower and not find out right away at the doctor's office. Alec was adamant that he wanted to know right away if it was a boy or not. I finally convinced him to let my mom surprise us.

My mom was over the moon and excited to be the one to set it all up. My dad has slowly been won over about being a grandpa so soon and has even been working more with Alec to help him prepare. My brother Austin decided that after the baby was born he would be ready to take over as Beta. Thus allowing Alec to spend time with the baby and me as new parents. My dad was ready to step down and start new grandparent duties.

My mom had taken over the grand hall at the packhouse for the baby shower. All of my friends helped out with the decorations. My best friend, Alice, was in charge of all the games. Tiffany and Tony were in charge of the food. My dad was in charge of the balloons.... the helium balloons. Needless to say, there was more laughing going on than anything, and not as many balloons were being put up.

I sat at the high table watching the chaos around me. I was tired. This baby knew just where to kick to keep me up at night. As much as I loved this little bean, I couldn't wait to hold it in my arms. I was now glad that my pregnancy didn't last as long as normal or even as long as a human's pregnancy. Nine months is way too long!

Alec came into the hall and walked up to me. He sat down next to me with a small smile on his face.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked.

"I'm beyond ready. I just want to know what it is so I can go buy more clothes!" I giggled. He just rolled his eyes.

"Are you ready to be a dad?" I asked.

"I think so. I mean, I guess I have no choice now," he said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I guess we should have thought about that before we did the deed," I said with a sigh.

"I think you will be a great dad!" I said, grabbing his hand.

He just smiled a small smile and looked away. He had been more distant lately. I think he has been apprehensive about how this will change things for him. I think more than ever, he is missing his parents. His mom died last year. She just couldn't take being alone anymore after losing her mate, Alec's dad.

"I guess I should go see what I need to do to help before your mom comes over and yells at me," he said with a wink.

I laughed as he walked away.

I loved him so much! I could not wait until after this baby was born. We would then have our mating and Luna ceremony. Thinking back to when I was a little girl and first met him, I realized I had gotten everything I wanted. The perfect man and soon-to-be the perfect family.

"Okay, Maggie!! We are ready for you!" Alice yells across the hall.

I must have dozed off in the chair because what I saw now was an explosion of blue and pink everywhere in the hall. People were trickling into the hall, and gifts were piling up on the table. Tiffany was walking up to me with a long ribbon and a big button.

"Okay girl, enough sleeping. This is for you and you need to pick if you think it's a boy or a girl for your button," she said, handing me all the stuff.

"I think it's a girl," I said, taking the pink button and putting on the sash that says, "Momma to be." I scoff at the sash and look at Tiffany. She just giggles as she knows exactly what I was thinking. Of course, I'm the momma-to-be! I'm huge!

After a few minutes of greeting guests, my mom got everyone settled down. She announced how the party was gonna go. First, we start with games for everyone to start guessing what the baby is. Then we will pop the balloon to find out. After that, we will do a gift opening and food. Alice's games were so fun, but I was becoming impatient now. I look over at Alec; he seems to be having a good time.


Maggie: You ready for what's next?

Alec: Absolutely, these games are irritating now.

I look at Alec and raise my eyebrows at him. He just shrugs while I cover my mouth as I giggle.

"Alright everyone, it's time to find out who is right! Maggie and Alec come over here in the front so we can all see," my mom says.

So far the vote for boy or girl was an even split. I was so excited to finally find out that I had butterflies in my stomach.

My mom instructed us both to hold onto the string of the balloon and gave us both a pin to pop it. Everyone counted down from 10 and I couldn't help but do a little happy jump. I looked at Alec as they said one and we both turned to pop the balloon. I wanted to see his reaction the most.


Pink confetti went everywhere!

I guess my mom had given other people cannons who also released pink smoke and more confetti.

I squealed and jumped launching myself at Alec. His face was unreadable. He grabbed me and held me tight. I looked up at him beaming.

"I knew it!" I said.

"I guess so," he said

"Aren't you excited?" I asked

"I'm disappointed it's not a boy. I would rather have a son," he said.

I stared at him for a second. I knew he was really wanting a boy first, but the way he said that made it sound as though he didn't want a girl at all.

"There is always next time. It's not like she will be our only child you know. We can always have more," I said.

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid! I know we can have more! I just wanted a boy, not a girl!" he snapped at me. Taking a step back from him, I realized everyone was now watching us. Alec looked over at everyone. Anger was burning on his face now.

"Party is over. Everyone out now!" he yelled. I gasped at him.

"Alec, the party is not over. There are still gifts to open, and people haven't even started to eat yet! Why are you being so rude?" I say in a hushed angry tone.

"Fine then, but I'm leaving. This shi.t better be cleaned up by the time I come back!" he said as he walked away.

I was too stunned to say anything. I could feel my face burning red from embarrassment and tears forming in my eyes. I felt someone grab my hand and look over to see my mom who also had some tears in her eyes. I wasn't sure if it was from finding out it was a girl or from what Alec just did. I just looked at her. I had no words.

"Honey are you okay?" she asked quietly

All I could do was shake my head. Was I okay? I had no idea. What just happened? Why was he so mad? I had so many questions running through my mind.

I felt myself being pushed down into a chair. I'm pretty sure I heard someone say something about having people leave but I was too embarrassed to look at anyone. By the time I was able to look up, I saw that it was just my parents with me in the hall.

What the fuck just happened?

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