Broken Soul

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Live had changed so much in the last month or so. Ever since Maggie and her kids showed up, nothing has been normal around here. Not that I would change anything; we loved Maggie and the kids. It's like they have been part of the family our whole lives. Right now, I wish more than anything I wasn't an Alpha. To have so many people depending on you is stressful. We are still no closer to figuring out what is going on, and now I had let everyone down, and Sara has been taken. I should have made sure there were warriors posted closer together or had my mom put up more alarms and shields. There were so many "what ifs" I couldn't sleep at night anymore.

My poor Alisson had such complicated labor, one minute; she was cursing me that we would never have sex again, and the moment she held her babies, she asked for more. I have never felt such pride for her at that moment. She was fearless.

I had been sitting at my desk for hours now, and it was nearly 3 am. I had noticed some strange things going on at night. People were up later than usual, and by people, I mean Seth, Areol, and Kadir. Something was going on, and I needed to figure it out. Seth never grew up in the pack. He moved here two years before I became Alpha, and we hit it off. He came from an Alpha family but was the sixth son, so he would never get the title.

The Beta that worked with my father never had children, his mate had died young, and he never took another mate. It was heart-wrenching to see, and he was happy to retire when he did.

Seth became my Beta with no question but now... I was questioning it.

"My love? Why are you up so late?" I heard Alisson ask from the doorway.

It startled me, so I turned to her and motioned for her to come to me. She climbed up on my lap, and I buried my face in her neck. She smelled of fresh rain and wildflowers. I could feel the stress rolling off me as I held her.

"I have just been thinking about things, is all. I'm worried about Maggie and Sara. I'm worried about all of them," I mumbled against her neck.

"Wyatt Jedaiah White, don't you dare lie to me. I know the feelings I am feeling from you. Don't you dare hide them from me," she scolded me.

She used my middle name, and that was never a good sign. Shit!

"Love, listen. I'm just having a hard time right now, is all," I told her as vaguely as I could.

"Wyatt, I can feel your doubt. It was so strong it woke me up. Now, what is going on?" she asked again, leaving no room for argument.

I sighed and pulled her closer to me. I didn't want to unload my burdens on her, but I knew she wouldn't drop it.

"I'm worried that I'm not doing enough for the pack or Maggie and her kids. I'm worried that I won't be able to save Sara in time. What if Maggie never wakes up? I don't feel like I am good enough now," I let everything out except Seth, which I would keep for now.

I was never one to be vulnerable, and being an Alpha, it was not in my nature to doubt myself. Even my wolf was trying to encourage me. We were strong; there was no doubt of that. It was just the feeling of helplessness. I had all this strength and powers, but they were useless against the unknown.

"Oh, my sexy beast. How can you doubt that you are good enough? You are one of the kindest Alphas I know. You fight every day for your family's safety, Maggie and her kids included. You took them in, knowing this would be a battle. Yet you never backed down from that. Do not doubt the Goddess's plans. Maggie was sent here for a reason. They were meant to be here. You have a destiny with them, and goodness will always prevail," she sealed her words with a kiss that took my breath away.

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