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"Welcome to White Pine pack!" a loud booming voice said as soon as we got out of the car. I only had a split second to turn around before I was pulled into a hug by a woman who was most definitely pregnant and could not possibly be over five feet!

"Oh, you poor dear! I have heard so much about you I feel as though we are friends already!" she said hugging me tighter.

I could only stand there stunned. I looked behind her to see a giant of a man smiling gently at the woman hugging me. Putting two and two together I figured this was Alison and the giant was Wyatt. Alison pulled away from me and grabbed my hands.

"Sorry I'm a hugger," she said laughing.

"It's ok. You got a tight squeeze for someone so... um small," I said realizing she might be offended. Most short people hated when you talked about how short they were. Rounds of laughter were heard around us but the loudest was a deep laugh from Wyatt.

"My girl may be small but it's always the small ones you gotta watch out for. She's got a grip, that's for sure," he said laughing more. A blush fell across Alison's cheeks as she giggled some.

"It's because I have to climb that tree of a man," she leaned in whispering with a laugh. I couldn't keep in my laugh at that. He was tall. A little taller than Jed. The Moon Goddess sure had a funny sense of humor to pair those two together.

It took us a few minutes to get the kids out of the cars and head inside. I knew we were going to the Alpha side of the house, or castle, or whatever you called this place. I think a castle would fit more than a house. Sara and Tilly stuck close to Conner and me. I could tell they were nervous. I knew I needed to be brave this time. There was a long hall that ran along the front of the castle with windows all along the front so no matter what, you could get an amazing view of the outside. The doors on the inside all had a glass window so you could see what was on the other side. There were a few office rooms and computer rooms that looked open to anyone who needed them. When we passed the pool there were large windows so you could see who was in there without having to go inside. The girls instantly got excited begging to go swimming.

"This isn't our home sweety," I said quietly.

"Oh, nonsense!" Rose said.

"Of Corse, this is your home! We can come tomorrow if the weather holds up!" she continued.

"We are just guests here Rose. I don't even know if we will stay here," I said. Rose's face fell and I was shocked to see she was sad about what I had said. We all knew this was not a permanent thing. I could not impend on their kindness much longer.

"But momma, I don't want to go anywhere else. I like it here," Sara pleaded with me.

"We don't have to talk about this now. Let's eat first," Wyatt said softly.

I realized now that the whole group had stopped to watch our interaction. Completely embarrassed now, I just grabbed Tilly's hand and nodded my head. The rest of the walk to the Alpha dining room was quiet. At the end of the hall, there was a large wooden door with beautiful carvings all over it. There were different wolves and symbols all over.

"They are spells," Andrew said noticing my gaze.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When we built this part of the building our pack kept being attacked by rogues. So our mom wanted to make sure that us kids were extra safe. Only those who are carved into the door can open it. Over the years we have added a few more enchantments so that the Beta and Gamma families are on it as well. And before you ask yes you can pass the door. As long as you are with one of us you can enter," he explained as he guided us inside.

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