I Still Love You

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We gave Tony and Esam a moment before Theo cleared his throat. We all felt bad, but none of us wanted to watch what was about to happen. While still laying on Esma, Tony turned to look at us. It was crazy how much he had changed. I was right when I had said Tony was somehow looking darker, and I didn't mean his complexion. Tony was always an olive color guy; he was one of the lucky ones, along with his sister Tiffany that never needed to worry about going tanning. It was more of the way his aura looked. Like a little bit of Demelza's evilness had rubbed off on him. It was a scary thought, but I knew that Tony was a good man down to his bones.

"Hello, Maggie. It's good to see you," Tony said and pushed himself off Esma. He pulled Esma up to her feet and then held her in front of him. He did so to keep his nakedness hidden, which I could tell every guy in here was thankful for. Tony was a man, through and through... There was a time that Tiffany and I wondered if Tony would have been my mate, but as we got older, Tony became more like a brother to me. I loved him dearly and always would. I was beside myself that Tony was alive. I never thought I would get the chance to thank him for everything he did for my children and me.

"See, I always keep my promises. I would hug you, but I think that may have to wait," I giggled, and Theo growled, pulling me closer to him. Andrew chuckled a little, walked over to Esma's bed, took the blanket off, and tossed it to Tony.

"Thank you," Tony said as he wrapped the blanket around him but still pulled Esma against him.

"I am very grateful to you all. I am not afraid to admit that I didn't think it would work. I am in debt to all of you," Tony looked around at all of us in the room and then looked at Theo and me last. His eyes narrowed at Theo's arm wrapped around me.

"After everything you have done for Maggie, I believe we can call it even," Theo said.

"Are you truly her mate?" Tony asked with a bit of caution lacing his voice. His voice reminded me of my brother, and I couldn't help the little snicker at his pointed question. I understood his doubt and was entirely grateful for it. He would come to love Theo just as much as Austin does.

"I am," Theo said and gazed down lovingly at me. I was surprised that he wasn't upset at what Tony was insinuating.

"He is. And he is the best! We need to catch up on a lot, but I think you need to be taken care of and eat some good food. I'm sure we can find you some clothes as well," I told Tony happily.

Wyatt cleared his throat and stepped forward. "We will send some clothes out to you here, so you don't have to walk around in just a blanket. We will be having lunch soon, and I'm sure you need a few good meals. Esma, we will move you to a bigger room. When you get back to the packhouse, there will be an Omega to show you the way," Wyatt smiled at them, and then I could see him mindlink someone.

"Thank you. Truly," Esma said.

"Yes, thank you all again. And food does sound good. So does a shower..." Tony said that last part and made a funny face at Esma, who then turned bright red making us all laugh. Tony was such a good guy; I knew he would be perfect for Esma.

After we all spoke for a few more minutes, we left them alone to talk some before clothes came for Tony. I felt so much tension leave me; it was relieving. We all ambled back to the house. Tony kept his arm around me, holding me tight to his side. This man gave me so much strength; it just made me adore him that much more.

"So, that went well, yeah?" Theo asked with a laugh.

"Definitely. Something nice and easy," I said sarcastically.

"Your command voice was pretty sexy, though..." I told him with a sly smile. His hand on my hip gripped it tighter, and he let a low growl out. He leaned down until his mouth was right on my ear.

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