Wolf Awakening

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. I lay there for a while trying to remember everything from last night. I remembered being with Alec and him wanting to mark me. I instantly reached my hand up to my neck to feel if the mark was there. It wasn't... and I wasn't sure if I felt disappointed or not. I am glad he didn't because it was something I wanted to remember.

You are an early riser...

I set up fast looking around for the owner of the voice I know I just heard, but I was alone.

I'm in your head silly!

I closed my eyes and was greeted with the most beautiful sight I could imagine. My wolf.

Maggie: Oh my goddess! You are here!

Yes girl! We have a lot to talk about...

Maggie: Oh! Do you have a different name than me?

I could feel her laughter in my head.

Dealla: Of course, my name is Dealla. (de-la*)

Maggie: That is a beautiful name. What does it mean?

Dealla: It means protector. Fitting huh?

Maggie: Ha, that is brilliant. I wonder what my name means? I never thought to look it up.

Dealla: I do... It means child of light.

Maggie: That's cool! Was that you last night then as well talking to me?

Dealla: Yes... you can't let him mark you. He is not our mate...

Maggie: What!?! What do you mean? That's not possible. He said I was his mate...

Dealla: ... He isn't. You have to trust me in this.

I could feel my heart breaking, the pain in my chest was so overwhelming. I never in a million years would have thought he would lie about this. I love him. He loves me, why would he lie?

Maggie: But we have a child together now. I don't understand. You must be mistaken. He has to be my mate. He would never do that to me.

Dealla: I know Mags, but he really isn't our mate. I know this is hard to understand, I know who our mate is and it's not him. I have met my wolf mate in this world already and I know that Alec is not our mate. It is up to you to find our mate in your world now.

Maggie: I'm sorry. I need a minute. That is a lot of information to take in at once.

I lay there in bed with a million thoughts running through my head. This was not in my plans at all. Alec was supposed to be my mate. I was going to be marked today and next week become Luna.

Dealla: When you see him, you will know that he isn't our mate. You won't feel the bond at all.

Maggie: But he said he could feel it! How could he lie about that? He told me what it feels like! Maybe you are wrong. Maybe there is a mistake... I love him...

Dealla: You need to see him. He has lied about this and you know it is against our laws to tell you so young let alone have a child before you are even mated.

Maggie: Oh my Goddess. My parents are going to be so mad...

Dealla: They need to know.

Maggie: What if I just chose him as my mate? People have chosen mates all the time right? Then no one will ever know.

Dealla: It's not that simple Mags. There are things in this world that are hard to explain. The Moon Goddess knows more than you think. There can only be a few different reasons to choose your own mate. As well as consequences for going against the Goddess depending on the reason for choosing a different mate.

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