Reject You

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Telling the packs was a little easier than I thought it would have been. After explaining the reason behind my decision, mostly everyone understood. The only thing that surprised us was my father's reaction. A few pack members from various packs disagreed with how I handled everything and thought it would have been better if I had just died. My father was among them. My father was outraged that I would be so deceptive to my people and said that I would always be a liar. He even went as far as to say he should be King because he was my father, and the title should have gone to him first.

A fight broke out, and I ended up having to banish my father and some who followed him. Even without his wolf, he still thought he was better than me. Maggie looked worried at his outbursts but held her ground when he turned to her about faking her pain and that she should have known the difference. I knew that my mother would be heartbroken at the news, but my dad had gone too far this time.

Now we just had to figure out what to do with Cain and the beast. Cain was currently being kept in the dungeon in the silver room. One thing we were not expecting was for him to have powers. Rose said they were weak powers, but we should not underestimate him for now. Luckily he didn't kill anyone yet, but now we are ready for whatever he may give us.

The beast has been put under a sleeping spell until we can figure out how to communicate with it or even help bring Tony back. That was not something I was expecting to hear, but I was happy for Maggie that she had a chance to save her friend now.

When all the families came back, I couldn't help but fall to my knees when Tilly came running for me. I was so ready to put all this behind us and be the best dad to these kids... my kids.


It had been a few days since the battle. Everyone had finally gone back to their packs, and Theo and I were trying to figure out where we should go now. Being Alpha King and Luna Queen meant that we needed to have a more central location. Theo's current home was high up in the mountains and not big enough to hold the number of packs we would now need to start hosting. It would take a long time to get back into a system of being rulers and having an Alpha King, but we have the support of many behind us now.

After talking about it for a day, we decided it would be best to build a new house big enough to accommodate multiple packs at once. It would take a year or so to make, but luckily some packs owned building companies. They offered to build for us, and we would start planning that in a few weeks. I was beyond excited to start that journey.

Annabeth came here a few days ago, and I had been so busy getting everything done, so I hadn't seen her much. I was walking on my way there when I found Mike in the hall.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked him.

"Luna," he said, bowing.

"I was actually on my way to see your sister," he said quietly.

"Oh, so was I. You can come with me," I told him.

We walked in silence for a while before he broke the silence.

"I wanted to say again how sorry I was for what happened. I should have tried to stop him when I had the chance. Or I should have helped you both leave and not have left it up to Tony," he paused.

"What's done is done. When you had your chance, you proved yourself worthy. Tony did everything he could, and now I have to do everything I can to help him. I don't even know where to start with my sister. We were never that close, but I never wanted this life for her. I don't even know what she had been through," the guilt ate at me.

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