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It had been four days since Esma, Rose, Kadir, Areol, and Ashton left. I had been a nervous wreck waiting for any news. I was so worried they would come back with bad news. We had spent the days playing at the pool with the kids and watching Anna slowly get used to two very overprotective males following her around. She had only been out of the hospital for a day now, and she was already trying to get away from them. It was cute to watch and was a great distraction.

This morning, we had all gathered for breakfast, sitting around the large round table. Theo had grown to like the round table and even talked about having a table set up like this in our new how for meetings. He liked the message it sent. Yes, they were all Alphas, but they should all be working together to create peace, not divided by who had more power.

Everyone was chatting around the table when Andrew stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. I looked around, and everyone had confused expressions on their faces.

"Um, sorry, everyone just needed to let you all know something," he told us and then looked at Sophie and smiled. I immediately knew what they were going to say.

"Sophie is pregnant!" he announced, and everyone cheered.

I jumped up and ran to her. I think she had been stealing Conner to send Andrew a message. She wanted another baby so badly! I was so excited for her and Andrew.

"How far along are you?" I asked her.

"Only a few weeks. We go see the doctor later today. My baby fever gave me the real sickness," she said, laughing.

We talked a few more minutes about babies and how this would change nothing for her feeling about Conner. Theo finally pulled me away so we could finish eating. Everyone talked about planning for a baby shower and other parties that were coming now. I took a moment to look around are truly appreciate where I was now in my life. My brother and his wife had left to go back to their pack, and my mom had chosen to stay with Annabeth and me for a while. My mom hid it well, but I could tell she was broken. Her heart hurt too much at the loss of my dad.

The only things I needed to worry about now were Tyler and Cain. Part of me was hoping that The Goddess would take Cain away as she did for Theo's dad, but I see now that it won't be that simple. I was so conflicted about what to do. It would be simple to just kill Alec, and the problem would be solved, but I knew Alec before Cain began to take over. Alec was a nice guy, and I knew that he really did love Sara. I also didn't want Sara to lose her dad because of his wolf.

"My love, I can feel your anxiety," Theo whispered in my ear. His hand went to my leg, and he squeezed it, then grabbed my hand.

Maggie: I have just been thinking about what to do. I'm conflicted.

Theo: I know you are; I can feel it. But you don't have to make this decision alone. We are doing this together.

Maggie: You are right.

Theo: Of course I am!

Dealla: Smack him, Maggie!

I smacked his arm lightly and giggled a little.

Theo: Will any of our conversations be private!?

Maggie: Nope

Dealla: Not a chance!

Dex: Um, no...

Theo: Well, just know that I can smack back. However, I call it spanking...

The smile he gave me made me turn as red as a tomato. Two nights ago, Theo and I did a little exploring in the bed, and I may have found a new kink...

"If you two are done making eyes at each other, we have some business to talk about," Alpha Wyatt said, calling us out. My face went even redder if that was even possible. Theo just laughed and nodded to Alpha Wyatt.

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