So Much Information

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"What do you mean by "him"?" I asked Maggie.

"Oh, The Goddess said that "he" would be here soon. I thought it was my dad, but after he left, The Goddess never came back," she said and then started to look around.

I stared at her and tried hard to understand what she had just said. Maybe this was the wrong dream? Maggie's mind is quite imaginative to dream this up. This place was amazing! I had never seen anything like it. It was hard to see that she imagined Dex here with Dealla.

Dex: She didn't imagine this. You are here in my realm now.

My shocked eyes landed on Dex. But he was different now. He was bigger and had a green shimmer to his coat. There were green rings around his legs and a green diamond-shaped on his head. There is no way this was real... Right?

"Um, Maggie. What is going on here?" I asked her in total confusion.

She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around me.

"We are in the Goddess's realm right now. This is where Dealla and Dex have been hiding out. Or rather, The Goddess has been keeping them," she said, and I pulled her close and moved my head down to her neck.

I needed her calming scent to relax me. I was not expecting this at all. I thought I would just find her in a dream and tell her to wake up. Part of me was hoping she would be having a wet dream about me, but I figured now was not the time for that. What the hell is going on?

"You may not have many traits from your father, but you certainly did get his stubbornness," I heard a voice from in front of me and looked up.

She was a beautiful woman with an angelic face. She was dressed as I would imagine elves would have been; a long dress in a pale green color covered in lace. Her eyes held me captive, and her aura was so heavy it was hard to keep my head up. When I broke eye contact, I looked over at Maggie, and she didn't seem as affected as I was. I was still a little speechless, so I didn't say anything.

"It's okay, my love; the shock will wear off in time," Maggie said and patted my cheek as if I was a child.

She walked towards The Goddess and the linked arms and turned to walk away. I still stood there frozen in place. Dex and Dealla walked up to me, and Dex laid down and whined a little at my feet.

Dex: I'm sorry I have not been there.

"It's ok, buddy. I guess it is out of your control," I told him and ran my hand through his fur.

Dealla came up to me and nuzzled my side.

"Hey, beautiful! Miss me?" I asked her and ran my hand through her fur also.

She purred and licked my face. They both pushed me towards Maggie and The Goddess. Her aura was overpowering; there was no mistaking her. I was blown away that this is where I am and who I was with. Maggie and The Goddess were sitting on a stone bench near a softly flowing stream. This place we were in felt like an eternal day. The light never went down, yet the sky was always dark and filled with stars. I knew that where ever we were, it was not anywhere near earth. I was not a man of starts, but I knew the Big and Little Dipper, and I didn't see them anywhere in the sky.

I had so many questions now, but I felt the pressure of time coming upon us. War was upon us at any moment, and I just knew that Maggie and I needed to be there. There was an overwhelming sense of calm when I thought of the impending battle. As much as it pained me to have Maggie anywhere near danger, I knew that she was destined to be there. I would do everything in my power to keep her safe during this and trust that The Goddess had a plan. Now that she was here (I think), I may as well ask her.

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