Of The End

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The moment Sara came forward, I knew that I would be killing Cain tonight. He brought a child to a war! My poor baby was freezing and scared. Internally I was freaking out, but I knew that I had to do this the smart way. I prayed that they didn't know about her wolf, and I gently sent her a mindlink.

Maggie: Sara? Can you hear me?

Sara: MOM! I'm so scared!

Maggie: I know, baby, but I'm going to save you. I promised you that I would, remember?

Sara: Yeah.

Maggie: Do you think you can get away? If I can get you free from the rope, do you think you can run?

Sara: Asa said I could shift to get out of the ropes. But then they will see me. Won't that be bad?

Maggie: If you can get away, then Theo will come to get you and take you away from here. You must be brave, baby.

Sara: Okay, mommy. I will be brave.

Maggie: Wait until I tell you to go.

Sara: Okay.

My stomach was in knots. My gut was telling me I needed to play this game with them, but my head was telling me to just kill them. Once Sara was safe, I would attack them and have this over with. I had to shut myself off from Theo because I knew he would keep me from doing what I knew I needed to do. Esma was right to not tell me everything. I had to trust myself and do what I felt I needed to do. The option felt the right way to go.

I had such little time to get my plan together, but I knew that I would need help. I mind liked Rose and Olivia at the same time.

Maggie: How far away from here do I need to be to stay safe?

Rose: At least 50 feet.

Olivia: You have protection spells on you right now. We can add a few more.

Rose: We are also trying to put some on Sara. Demelza's shield is very powerful. We need a stronger connection to Sara.

Maggie: Use me. I can talk to her. Can you channel through me to her?

Rose: It's worth a shot. Keep your link to her open, and I will try to find her.

Olivia: We are trying to figure out what that monster is. If we can take him down, then we can get Sara faster.

Maggie: Sara is going to shift into her wolf and run. Her wolf said the ropes would come off when she did. We need to get her away from here as fast as possible when she runs.

Olivia: Wow. Okay, we can work with that.

I knew that I needed to get closer to Demelza now. I also knew that Cain was no match for me now. Dealla exuded with confidence and held no doubt that she would kill him. Demelza was my worry now. I knew that Theo was going to stop me, so I made sure to distract him with Sara for a moment to get away. It hurt my heart to pull away from him and keep my plan from him, but I needed him and Sara safe.

When I took a step out after telling Demelza to come get my blood, I saw her smile. I would let her think that it was that easy for now. I sent a mindlink to all the witches.

Maggie: Andrew, when I get closer, throw a fireball at her shield. I need them to be distracted for a moment. In fact, have several witches throw them. It needs to be on the side that Sara is not on. I need them to look away from her.

I walked slowly toward them, and I could feel Theos and Dex's anger. Theo was trying to mind link me, and it was hard to block him. I would not be turned from my path now. Cain was watching me with curious eyes, and they would dart back and forth between Theo and me. I knew he didn't trust what I was doing. I had tried all the plays in a book to get Cain away from me, and they never worked. I would have to work really hard to get away with this.

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