Bundle Of Surprises

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To say my parents were pissed would be an understatement. When I came home smelling like Alec, my dad lost it. Curse those stupid wolf noses! They calmed down a little when I told them that Alec was my mate, but they were still upset that he didn't wait till I was 18. It's a known rule that you don't tell your mate if they are not of age yet. That way it helps rule out the liars just trying to take advantage. My parents were still upset that he would break that rule.

My father left to go speak to him about everything while my mother sat me down to talk about it. I could see it in her eyes she still wasn't happy about it, but she knew how long I have wanted this. "Maggie, why didn't you wait? You could have just dated till you were 18. It's only one more year, Hunny," she said, grabbing my hands. "I don't know, mom, I wanted to. I wanted to wait for something more romantic than the woods, but it just felt right. I wanted to be with him. You know this. You know how much I love him. Why wait when we know we are mated? What difference would it make?" I said.

She just sighed and looked away for a little bit. "What if he isn't your mate? What if he lied? I don't want you getting hurt just because you love him and he couldn't find his mate," she said not even looking at me. Honestly, that thought never occurred to me. Why would he lie about that? What would he gain? My dad would kill him if he lied. So would my brothers for that matter.

"Think about it mom, maybe he has been so upset because he knew he would have to wait for so long before I turned 18. It's only one year like you said. Plus he didn't mark me yet. I have to wait till I'm 18 and have my wolf before he can do that. It's okay mom, I'm gonna be okay," I said making her look at me.

"I love him, mom. After finding out what a mate was I knew I wanted him to be mine. The Goddess has blessed me with what I wanted. Please be happy for me. I know we messed up, but we can't take it back now," I said pleading with her.

I hope she can feel how honest I am being. Poring all my love for him into my words. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes as I said this. She reached over, pulling me into a hug and holding me tight.

"Of course, I will be happy for you. I only ever want happiness for my children," she says.

Dad came in a few hours later. The talk must have gone well because he didn't say much. Just walked in and pulled me into a big hug.

1 month later

"Alec, what are we gonna tell my parents? They are gonna kill me! This was not supposed to happen," I said, panicking, looking down at the positive pregnancy test. Tears fell down my cheeks.

"They can't do anything Maggie, I am the alpha," he said rolling his eyes.

"It just better be a boy," he said looking at my stomach.

"Alec, you may be the Alpha, but they are still my parents. They can still be upset. And you know I have no control over what we have. In fact, you are the one that decided what we have, all of that comes from the men, pun intended," I say, raising my eyebrow at him.

My parents were not happy that we didn't plan for this. We should have known better and used protection. However, things only got worse when my dad tried to tell Alec this. Alec used his alpha voice on my dad to remind him that he could not be told what to do. Then he walked out of the house. I tried to chase after him but he kept pushing me away from him. Finally, he just shifted into his wolf and ran off. When I came back inside, my parents were arguing over what had just happened.

"Why did you do that!? Why did you yell at him? He is my mate. This was bound to happen anyways! Why be upset about it now!?" I yelled at them. They both looked at me, mom looked sad and dad still looked mad. He started to say something and mom put her arm on his to stop him.

"Dear, why don't you give us a minute to talk?" she asked him. He just huffed and walked out.

"Maggie come sit with me, please? there are some things we need to talk about," she said as she sat down. I walked over to the couch but sat across from her wanting to distance myself for now. I was still upset at them for acting this way.

"Sweetie, do you know what will happen now?" she asks, leaning forward.

"What do you mean? I'm pregnant; obviously, I will be giving birth to a pup," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, but he is an Alpha. It will only be 4 months, not 5 like normal," she said. My eyes open wide and my mouth hangs open. I thought I would have more time to get ready, to be prepared. The panic set in again.

"Don't worry, I will be here with you the whole time. I can help you with everything. Your dad will be fine. It was just a shock to him. He was expecting you both to wait till he at least marked you or you at least had your wolf to help you heal better. He is just worried about you, that is all," she said getting up and coming over to me. Sitting in front of me and holding my knees, I look up at her.

"You will be okay Maggie. You are just starting your family early and making me a grandma earlier than I thought I would be," she said that last part with a little bit of awe in her voice. "Oh my Goddess, I'm gonna be a grandma!" she said even more excited. I had to laugh at that. Her eyes glazed over, mind-linking my dad I'm sure. A minute later, he came down the stairs. He walked up to me and pulled me up.

"I can't believe you are making me a grandpa, this early sweetpea, but I am happy for you. I just hope you will be happy as well," he said in his gruff voice. My dad is not a man of many words. I gave him a big hug.

"I am happy, dad. My family is growing faster than I ever planned, but I have my mate. What more could I want?" I said. My brother was happy when he heard the news. Finally, someone who was happy without having to be upset first! My sister could have cared less. She was happier leaving the house to be with her friends. She was only a year younger than me, and we had never been very close. I was always more interested in being with the guys than playing dress-up with her. She did bring back a baby outfit from her shopping trip, so maybe that was a step in the right direction and she really did care. 

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