One More Day

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I was sure this meeting was going to be a long one. I still wasn't sure about sharing everything with all these people. Knowing most of them already helped a little. I knew that most of them were kind and just Alphas. I knew that I had to trust in Alpha Wyatt that he would never let them harm me. I also knew that Theo would probably kill anyone who would say anything bad. I had a feeling he would be overbearing when it came to my safety.

When Theo and my brother came into the room, it didn't look like they were fighting. Their faces only looked worried. I began to feel even more uneasy now.

"Okay, let's begin," Alpha Wyatt started, "Thank you all for coming so fast. I know it is hard to leave your family during this time, but your trust and actions mean a lot to us. I'm sure that a few of you recognize this woman sitting up here, and if you don't, you will at least know her story. This is Maggie Andrews. If you were not one of the packs to help rescue her and her family, you would know about the law passed in her name," he paused to let everyone think about what he had said.

I felt a little awkward thinking about having a law named after me, but I would never want anyone to go through what I have been through. I could see a lot of them were mind linking each other. Some looked at me with sadness in their eyes. Others looked angry, but most looked confused. I suddenly found my fingers fascinating and couldn't look at them anymore.

Alpha Wyatt cleared his throat," I understand that you are confused, but I promise we will explain. As you can see, Maggie never died. Grace, Maggie's mom, is also alive and possibly her sister as well. Unfortunately, Thomas, her father, was killed as well but not when we were told he was. Maggie's daughter Sara, which some of you know, is also here."

This time everyone started asking questions at the same time—most about how it was even possible.

One Alpha stood up to talk, "I was there that day. How is this possible? We all saw the bodies. I would never forget those faces."

Bodies? Did they see my body? I thought Jed said we were already buried. I was wracking my brain trying to figure this out. I assumed that they just saw graves for us, and that was that. They are saying they saw our bodies...

"How long after we left you, Austin, did it take for you to come after us? I asked him, cutting off everyone.

He looked thoughtful for a moment before answering, "it was about four days after you left that we went down there. Two days after you left, we decided to come down to be there with you all. We had tried to call, but when no one answered, we got worried. We had gotten a few Alphas together and came after you. By the time we got there, Alec was burying you all."

"Was it really you?" another Alpha asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. He separated us right away, and I was given shots of wolfsbane almost immediately. For the first week, I was in and out of consciousness. It could have really been us, but I would think someone would have heard our hearts still beating," I paused to think about it some more, "He does have a witch working with him. Maybe they cast a spell or something."

"Either way, we know they were actually alive then, and now Maggie has escaped with her children. We rescued her mother just a few days ago because they found Maggie already," Alpha Wyatt said, trying to get the topic back to where it needed to be.

"How did they find you?" Alpha Josh asked.

"Well, we think it's because they bound our blood to Cain, and when we rejected his pack to become a part of Alpha Wyatt's pack, it sent him some kind of signal," I replied to him.

Another Alpha spoke up, "Sorry, you said Cain? Who is that? I thought we were talking about Alpha Alec."

"Oh, um, sorry. Cain is Alec's wolf. He took over and has complete control over Alec's body now. I actually think it's been him this whole time," I said quietly.

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