Close Your Eyes

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That night my mom was on cloud nine as all her grandchildren surrounded her. Ella was crying off and on, mostly in happiness. Austin and Ella had such beautiful children, and I was ecstatic that I would get to be a part of their lives now. After learning about the pack's pool, Austin's children and mine ganged up on the adults. So, it was decided that tomorrow afternoon we would all go swimming.

Dealla: So does that mean we get to see him without his shirt on...

Maggie: Ugh! Stop it! I don't need to think about that right now.

Dealla: Oh, you are going to think about it nonstop now! Challenge accepted hahaha!

Maggie: You are terrible.

Dealla: But you love me!

Maggie: This is true...

We planned to meet the rest of the Alphas to go over some plans for a war we all knew was coming now. I was ready for it. I didn't want to give Cain and Demelza any more of my life. They had taken so much from me that I was prepared for justice. Jed and Rose had come up to the packhouse and were joining us as well. Theo had some of his witches and top warriors coming also.

Theo had decided that the kids would all have guards with them at all times. He assigned a guard to watch over my mom and got a guard for Ella while we were here. Austin was thankful that Theo was including his family as well. Theo replied that we were all family and would take no chances with anyone's safety.

The meeting started out rough. Everyone had an opinion, and everyone wanted to be the one in charge. A room full of Alphas was... tense, to say the least. Rose turned into a big scary momma, and I don't think the Alphas arguing could have sat down any faster. It was entertaining to watch Alphas be scared of little ole Rose, but I was happy she was on my side.

It was decided that everyone would be getting a portal stone big enough that their army could fit through it when the time came. Each pack would be leaving warriors here to help guard and watch the borders. That way, they could communicate when everything started.

Rose would start working on charms to hand out to everyone to protect them from some spells. She knew how Demelza worked. Rose knew how powerful Demelza was and knew that she had to have gained more power from whatever evil thing she had been doing. She didn't want to risk anything. After that, we called it a night and would finish with the rest of the more minor details in the morning. I was getting up to go to Theo when Ashton blocked my way.

"Luna, I just wanted to let you know again how happy I am that Alpha Theo has found you. There were times I worried we would never find you, especially after he lost his wolf for a week, twice! You should have-" I stopped her in the middle of her sentence.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean he lost his wolf?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, I guess he may not have told you that. It was kinda a weird time. The first time it happened was about four years ago, and the second time was almost two years ago. He was blocked off from his wolf. He doesn't usually talk about it, but I'm sure he will tell you more than he told any of us," Ashton said.

This girl could talk, and talk, and talk...

"Was he okay during that time?" I asked, worried about him.

"Oh, yeah, he was fine. He was Mr. Grumpy Pants for that week, but he was better when his wolf came back," I got the feeling that Ashton didn't have a lot of women to talk to.

She was a fierce woman. She always kept her hair in a long ponytail. Her hair was pitch black, and her skin was a beautiful tan color. She always wore loose-fitting clothes, but I could tell that she was built like a brick underneath. Her arms were toned, and you could tell she never missed legs day at the gym. It was her golden eyes that held people in a trance. She didn't strike me as someone who talked a lot, but suddenly, she turned into chatty Kathy. I love it! It made me excited for when the time came to live at Theo's pack. I knew I would have at least one friend there besides Theo.

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