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Congrats.. you gave the support needed to get the book made proper. Here's the Prologue.

A planet's destruction.

A planet's destruction is often what it takes to have those that remain try and survive, move to another planet to begin again, but......what happens when  there are no more planets to start over on? 

Move to another galaxy? That may be good, if there were any that could be seen. No, this was the end, the end of a universe. The very Heavens themselves were dark, an empty void, that was now only god's chosen killer, Azreal, and his minions. Humanity had done it, they had found god, and they was not happy about it. 

A monsters that were unleashed, one of fog and darkness. It could be killed, the issue was, it took the use of a philosopher's stone, however, these were costly, one stone was created with the life of another, and the larger the stone, it would take more love, between the creator, and the sacrifice. By the time it was found out that it could be killed, many of those who could create the stones had been killed.

The only hope was to somehow hold out, which was impossible.

The adults had given up everything, and were solely dedicated to surviving, homunculus, chimera, augmentation, all were used in hope of holding out just long enough. But for what you may be wondering. That's simple. 

The Arks. 7 were being built, and inside, were enough of humanity, they were in near suspended animation. They would age, but a year? That was basically just a second. The ships were loaded up with only 2 things, information, and the young. Only 2 adults were on each ark, the rest would be monitored by a set of Intelligences that controlled a mass of golems.

You are probably wondering, if there is nothing left? Where do they go? Well. The Answer to that wasn't clear. 

"Project Antediluvian, the name used to describe the transportation of the Arks, the Arks that would keep those who humanity chose to survive. The Young, the innocent, those who's potential was yet to even be discovered. Those who had not been alive for more than a decade. 

The project itself was to a dimensional gate, and the flood rains had began to pour.

The Last of Humanity would use itself as a shield to defend the arks from god's wrath. The last Alchemist looked to the sky, before he spoke.

"God, you have forsaken the children you have created, and for this, you have sent upon us once more your angel of death. But HEAR ME! As you have created this cruel universe, HUMANITY has THRIVED with it's indifference! Humanity has willed that no matter what we face! We shall survive! HUMANITIES SPIRIT SHALL NOT BE BROKEN! We are Indomitable, for that is the gift you bestowed onto us! And we have made it part of ourselves so deeply that even our own creator can not remove it!" He began, before turning and with his hand on his chest, a small glow began to shine between his fingers. 

An orb formed and blood spattered out, his still beating heart in the orb as he placed it into the console. Blood flowed through it, as he supported himself.

"With this final act. Humanity casts you away from it's creator! You no longer are our god! You are the very being you wished for us to hate! You are now SATAN!" He shouted with the last bits of his life. 

The Alchemist fell, looking to the sky, seeing the alchemical symbols fade, and the 7 rings under the arks glow. The Arks lowered, as humanity, in with it's golems, homunculi and weapons tipped with philosopher stones began the last battle.

The Arks were enveloped in the light, and would vanish to where no human had seen. He had to be contempt, with that.

God's wrath, his angel of death, would try and reach the 7 circles, the circles would begin to close as the Arks had passed through them. Golems would block the way, except.....a lone beast would pass through the circle. The lone beast. The Heart that powered the circles died, and the magical powers that defended humanities, it's golems, would die. Next to fall would be the false being, the homunculi. Finally, would be the last of humanity.

The Last human, a man, the man named Methuselah would see the face of Satan. The blinding light that hid the face of Satan.

"You are all that remains of humanity. Pray glory to my name, and you shall become like Adam, born again, be the first of a new genesis of the galaxy." Satan said.

Methuselah had his head bow, "You are Beelzebub, the false god, I dub the Satan, deceiver, imatator of the lord's miracles. You have sent Laviathan out to gather souls for Gehenna! You are no god! You have no Glory! With my last breathe! I shall curse you deceiver!" Methuselah shouted, before with a single motion, he was killed, by the god he once praised.

To this being, Satan, Humanity was gone. Did he care? No....He would not need to. He would simply start over, as he had before. 

"Let there be light." He spoke, and so it was.

The truth however, was, the humanity he created, was gone, from the reality he was it, but not from every reality. The Arks had sent them out, however, due to the imperfect nature of the circles, they were sent to different places.

They could not go forward in time, as they would be found by Satan. They couldn't go back, as they would encure the wrath of god. They could only go sideways in reality.

The arks moved through the void, and soon, would find rest either in the orbit of stars, or rest in asteroid belts. The just needed to be found.

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