Seven Day War: Day 5

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The Eastern Firebase, the sun was just cresting through the trees.

"Looks like the pot shot shooters are on break." One soldier commented.

"About damn time. The Full suit stuff is making me feel like a tin can at this point." The other soldier said. 

"Any word from the village?" One officer asked.

"Radio tower got hit by a rocket in the night, fly overs seem to be stopped by the walking trees, throwing spears from other trees.....Makes you wonder what those things are. I don't think they are natural. Less groot, more tree beard." one joked.

"Christ that stuff was old, why can't you get some more modern stuff?" another asked.

The camp began it's normal cycle, some soldiers cooked, some drank, a few were working out, while other patrolled the grounds, they were expecting that maybe the enemy had moved back, and were planning something, but at the moment, the only care that they had was the fact they were not being shot at from the trees.

However, this wasn't all fine. Over the few hours, a large cavity was being built under the camp, stone and dirt was being moved in a fairly large quantity, but was able to be hidden thanks due to the forest. The Day message was received, the west was being pushed back, the East was cut off in terms of communication.

Several explosive charges were set, along with a few alchemical scrolls that would activate once the scrolls were burned, that would create a powerful vacuum effect in the pit. The Salarian commander had devised the plan after the forward operation base near the edge of the forest.

They had the base attacked with pot shots, to make sure they were cautious, and didn't have an easy time to hear the shifting of the ground. The avoidance of vehicles aided, as it could have cause the pocket to collapse early.

A radio detonator was set up, and several teams were preparing to attack, laying low, as the Dryad walkers were getting the stones to throw up at any transports that tried to come in and rescue those who would be trapped.

"This may be the toughest action we take in our freedom. I am not going to put this lightly. To many, we may be remembered as monsters, but war creates monsters. We are doing this for those we love. Our home has been occupied by invaders, and soon, we will take them back, and push the invaders away. 

Let these words ring out, and be our warcry. FOR ZION! FOR THE GAIANS!" the commander, Unol Solon shouted, before he raised the detonator over his head, and squeezed it.

There was a massive explosion that shook the ground. The Alliance Basecamp shook, first with the ground bulging and cracking under them, before suddenly pulling itself in, causing the structures to fall in with them. 

Both tents, grills, firepits, even latrines and everything around was pulled in. The soldiers would dig themselves out, searching for those around, seeing how many were wounded, before they looked up. The pit's edge had people standing on it, with weapons.

"I would recommend you surrender. It is your best hope of surviving" Unol stated.

Soldiers looked around, they were outnumbered, currently outguns, in a bad position and the radio was destroyed. They heard stomping, and saw the walking trees heading west, towards the city.

"We have to do something. They only hope is that kodiaks see them and mount a defense in the city." One soldier said.

"I will surrender, in order to protect my men." The commander stated.

"Teams, go down, grab them, binders and medi-gel." Unol stated

Zaes'Geer was filling up a tub with ice. He got lucky, he moved most of his gear to a second safehouse and got out before a raid occurred at his old place. The amount of ice he had gotten made them suspicious of other things, organ harvesting, but no one but himself ever entered the place, so they had no idea really.

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