Promotion and Mission

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The Group would go into the Council's Chambers, and present the Evidence they had found. 

"We have solid connections between Saren and the Attacks on Eden Prime. There is also evidence of a larger conspiracy at work, involving the Salarians and the Asari. It would seem that this Council may not be able to control it's own agents. Is it because this was a Council ordered operation?" Udina shouted out, letting everyone hear the accusation.

The Council was silent.

"That's the inside of an ark." Tevos said.

"Not ours." Spartacus said.

"Neither ours." Tevos said.

"I believe.....that was the ark we lost." Valern said softly.

Everyone looked at them.

"Somehow that makes sense, but also much worse." Shepard Fedorian said, shaking her head.

"Very well, with this, evidence. We are putting forward a vote, to remove Saren Arterius's status as apart of the Council Spectres." Tevos explained.

Spartacus shook his head.

"He is a stain on the reputation of both the Council and the Turians themselves. I place forward his removal."

"It is....disturbing. With what has been presented, I must agree." Valern agreed.

To many watching, it was....disturbing, a realization that a Spectre had been corrupted and going rogue, it would be a stain on the Council. 

"Very well. By the Edict of this Council. Saren Arterius has been removed from the Sprectres. We will also authorize search efforts for him, in order to bring him in to answer for his abuse of position." Tevos said.

"Councilors. I think the abilities that Saren has shown, warrants more than the passive efforts to pursue your rogue agent. I believe that only a large scale effort from the Citadel Fleet, or dedication from special forces across the Council races would be needed." Captain Anderson said.

"That is absurd. We would be left defenseless if we dedicated out forces to search. We can not patrol the entire galaxy looking for him." Valern said.

There was a moment of silent deliberation between the three, before the asari councilor nodded.

"While a fleet would not be able to track him, it may be....better for a team. But with Saren's reputation, few would be willing. It needs to be someone outside of the current Spectres" Anderson said.

"Then let Me." Shepard spoke up.

Everyone was surprised by Shepard's Audacity.

"I will hunt Saren down. With a team, I can stop him and bring him to justice. You're not looking across the entire galaxy. Humanity can work closer with the Council. It's a win for both parties." Shepard announced.

With other councilors glancing at Spartacus, he looked down, before Tevos spoke.

"Commander Shepard. Step forward." she asked.

Shepard did as asked, and was alone at the edge of the platform.

"It is by the will of this council, you are granted the privileges and right of the Special Tactic and Reconnaissance branch of this Council." Tevos began.

"Specters are not born, but chosen, from the standard rank and file, as an example to be elevated, for their efforts and skills." Valern spoke.

"Specters are those who embody the ideals, of courage, honor and self reliance, a symbol to be looked up to, the right hand of the Council, and it's will." Tevos spoke.

"Specters bear a great burden, being the first and last line of defense, protectors of peace, the safety of the Galaxy is theirs to uphold." Spartacus spoke.

"You are the first Human to be brought into the Specters, consider this a great honor to you, and your species." Tevos ended the speech.

"Your first mission, as a specter, will be to hunt down and either apprehend, or eliminate Saren. Any information we have, will be sent to your ambassador, and yourself." Tevos explained.

Shepard nodded, before turning to look at Anderson.

"Commander. I'm giving you the Normandy for this mission, it's the best ship for it, and everyone on it respects you." Anderson said, shaking Shepard's hand.

"Commander. I will want you in my office. I am wanting to speak with you abut the mission." Tevos said, before she walked away, and towards her office. 

Shepard would head to the Office of the Asari Councilor. Upon entering, Shepard noticed 3 things, one, the Councilor at a large desk, 2, the dragon head mounted on the wall, 3, a Krogan that was sitting on a throne projected at the side of the desk.

"Hello Commander. Let me introduce you to Urdnot Wrex, he owes me a favor and I want to make sure that you succeed in this mission, so I am calling it in." Tevos said.

"What makes......him....special?" Shepard asked, not able to look away from the Mounted dragon head on the wall.

"I wondered where you put that thing. Last State Dinner I was angry when it wasn't proudly displayed at your home." Wrex joked.

"Well Andvari did leave me angry, besides, I didn't know I was pregnant when I went on that quest with you and the others. But I thought it was too brutalist in my home, but does leave an impression on everyone who enters my office." Tevos explained

"You killed that?" Shepard asked, now a bit fearful.

"I was. Now, Wrex here will be joining you on your mission to hunt Saren. I have 2 more recommendations for your team, these are only suggestions, not something you need, but will help if you have. The first, an expert on the Mutually Agreed Trans-Reality Information eXistance Servers. They are common on every Council race planet and may be able to track down information with servers that the Geth who are aiding Saren use. They can also help keep any attempted escapes from Entities who try and escape into the Net." Tevos explained, leaning on the desk a bit.

"So, you want me to get Muscle, and some Smarts? What's next, an expert on alchemy?" Shepard asked.

"Not quite. I was going to have you retrieve the daughter of the Matriarch who may be funding Saren unknowingly. Dr. Liara Tsoni, if I had to guess by the description we heard. From what I heard, she is currently on the world of Therum, Knossos system, Artemis Tau Cluster as you call it." Tevos explained.

"So, an alien Viking, a hacker, and a rich kid. Paired with the pop-culture spouting dirty Harry, and the niece of the guy we are hunting, I don't think this could get any weirder." Shepard said.

"We could always have you take a team of golems and homunculi with a Terran alchemist to join you." Tevos said, in a tone that was serious, but also could be intended as joking.

"I'm good. I don't want to imagine the jokes my pilot would make with that kind of party." Shepard said.

"Very well. I take it the Miss Fedorian and officer Vakarian will be joining you?" Tevos asked.

"I feel that Miss Fedorian will be a valuable asset in understanding Saren's psyche. While Officer Vakarian is willing to risk his life and face Saren when you said even the Specters would hesitate to do so. I say that makes him qualified to join the team." John explained.

"Very well. Wrex, I take it you will go to meet the Dr. on Therum and Shepard will have you both join up." Tevos asked.

"That is my plan, may as well meet you there than have you divert. Besides, the Bi-frost can't really hit ships or space stations, needs to lock onto the energies of a planet." Wrex said, before his hologram vanished.

"Well commander. You have your mission. I wish you the best of luck, and expect good news from you." Tevos said.

Shepard stood up and walked to the door, before he stopped, when Tevos spoke.

"Oh, and if you fail. I do still have the axe, and I think your head would be more appealing in my home than Andvari here." Tevos threatened, before Shepard left, swallowing a bit in fear.

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