Asari 2

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It had been little more than a week since arrival of the ark, and the temporary closure and media blackout that was the Ark incident. The cover story was that an outbreak of a previously undiscovered disease that was located in a sub-aquatic cave that was rediscovered.

Ships were temporarily held in port. The Ark, with some help from both Eve and the golems directing the ship. The ship was moved out of the system, with a transport ship staying near by, in order to act as a base for the medical staff and a monitoring station.

On Thessia Itself however, the Gathered Matriarchs, along with 2 Matriarchs who were chosen to lead the Colonies on Lusia, Skaus and Shaos. Eve was present as well, having a disk on a necklace, she was reading the paper through a pair of specicles that had a similar set of marking as the one on the disk. Councilor Tevos sat at the end of the oval table. The various Asari were along the table and looked at her. Folders of the report were placed on the folders and were read through.

"Now. Matriarch Skaus, Matriarch Shaos, we are needing to have Lusia populations moved, we are not asking for the population to be removed from the planet, just a large section relocated." Tevos said.

Matriarch Shaos was first to speak, "And how big of an area are we talking? A few dozen square kilometers? A few hundred?"

Matriarch V'lava answered the question. "We would need roughly 2,000 square Kilometers. We can give you a month to have the decided area cleared."

"The Region of just south of the Alke mountains are fairly empty, with some pay offs, we can have the colonies in the area clear and you have the zone." Skaus said.

"Now that's decided, We need to bring up the next topic. Due to the nature of those in the craft, primarily, pre-adolescents, children. Eve, here explained that their life span, is roughly 200 years, however, maturity is reached at only 20. Biologically, they are different, having two main genders, male and female. However, they are need other necessities, primarily care takers, until enough have come into maturity to support their own." Tevos said.

"So what does that imply?" Benezia asked.

"We would be having a secret program begin, volunteers would be allowed put in a contract that for 20 years, they would not be allowed to speak of what they are doing, all messages would be monitored. Ark Mother, if you would allow, we wish to educate the children in our language and culture." Tevos said.

Eve looked up at the asari that were all around her. She set down the folder and removed the spectacles, placing them in a pocket.

"I will allow the education of the children in your culture, but, I do wish to continue the traditions of Gaia. Her science is born from understanding, and it only takes one death for that understanding to be lost forever, and it shall start anew. I am the last of those known as an Alchemists, I can teach the art of Alchemy, golemancy, and the Humonculi creation progress." Eve said.

"I would saw, it would be more, appealing, if the children were adopted by the families of Thessia. The Children would have a more developed view of compassion and family, compared to if we had non-parents as the figures in their lives." Benezia stated.

The discussion of what was to happen occured. Plans, security, construction and funding were all discussed, planned for, and finalized.

By the end end of the month, the Ark was brought into position and was able to land, surprising everyone, who expected the ship would leave a deep scar on the planet from the assumed crash landing.

The first people to set out were the Homunculi, armed with rather basic firearms, they were greeted by the Chosen Asari mothers. Eve smiled, and the first generation of the Gaian people were brought under the sun of their new home. Eve had roughly 500 of the children, ages 10-5 with her. The children were released, all safe, and a quick medical examination, after the Homunculi explained what the Asari were, and what would happen.

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