The Citadel's attractions

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John Shepard, Kaiden, Ashley were taking an alternate route through the Presidium, when they saw a sign that had a symbol, it looked like 7 pillars in a circle. Stepping inside, they saw a hologram standing behind the front desk, a golden skinned woman next to the Citadel's Avina.

"Welcome to the Museum of the ArKs. If you move along the designated path, you will see the agreed upon progress of the Gaian civilization, as we gathered through the Arks." the VI hologram receptionist explained, raising her arm to point to a hall on the left.

Stepping inside, Shepard, Kaiden and Ashley walked into the first section of the museum.

"The Earliest aspect of the Gaian civilization is what is referred to as the "Alchemists age". In this period, we have a lack of cultural notes, focusing on the early style of Alchemy, transmutation and of course the evolution of the alchemical arts.

Artifacts of the arks have also shown a mythology that is rather unique. A primordial god like entity that than created many lesser gods for the world he also created. It was also noted how he created them. " The narrator explained.

Shepard, Ashely and Kaiden looked at the artifacts, old carvings and crystals that illuminated and showed images of people creating circles and creating items. They also say the clothing that was more basic, loose and simple robes that would kind of go over the limbs.

Moving further along, they passed through a low arch, and entered the next era.

The next developmental phase we saw was the era where those gods created were more prevoyant. Our best example is that of the Krogan, as their gods played an active role in their societies. At this time, there were many creatures that became infused with the energies that transformed them.

Some examples of this are the title of the "Jormungandr" which was a large serpent like creature that was capable of circling the world with it's tail in it's mouth. Another are "Fenris", a wolf that would grow until it could consume the moon, and other gods, and a species of creatures known as Jotunn. It would even seem that during this time, there was bountiful energies that could cause a decaying body to live again, known as "Draugr"

They showed several artifacts, including a homunculous body that was in a stasis field, under it a small sign read "Due to the strain the crystals containing their minds and power on their bodies. The Gods often can not have a homunculus body for 1 year. This is the body of the God, Thor, the god of thunder."

"So......they have near unlimited power, but using that power cut their lives shorter. So the candle stick issue." Ashley said.

"The what?" Kaiden asked confused.

"The candle that burns brightest goes out fastest. You know, that kind of thing. Power to life ratio is bad." Ashley said.

"What's with that bit of philosophy?" Shepard asked, confused.

"I'm not a dumb grunt, I went to college." Ashley said.

"What was your major?" Kaiden asked.

"Liberal Arts, minor in film history." Ashley stated in a matter of fact way.

They moved into the next room, and saw what they would describe as a techno-spiritual aesthetic.

"After the lesser gods were eventually removed, their power gone, left with only elements, those who could use their power, they would seclude themselves from the rest of the society. They would rarely journey, in order to hunt mystical beasts. Some would journey out, and take over territory, and become rulers. This could be seen as the last era of the true alchemists." the narration continued.

They saw what could be described as temples, with people meditating, and a series of coins "Copies of cultivator spirit coins" There was a sword near by, along with other items. They had a seeming fusion of several asian cultures into one. There were scrolls that were unrolled, having a text that was difficult to read. A small plague read under the scroll, "The Tale of the First Cultivator, Tang Sun Zang, as he travels from the east to teach the methods of cultivating spiritual powers, with their followers. For a full translation, the book "The Cultivator's Journey" is available in the gift shop"

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