Cyber Union 3

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The Quarians were nervous, they had just entered the Perseus Veil and now were in the home system. They looked upon Rannoch, from a distance, and saw they something was approaching them. The Small Quarian ship was selected, for it's age, small population and due to the discontinuation of the majority of it's parts now. 

The Quarians had all volunteered, choosing to risk their lives for the chance. As they watched as a geth ship moved in, two more dropped in from the relay, surrounding them.

"Is this really such a good idea?" the quarian captain asked.

"The chance of leaving has already vanished." another said.

The quarian were nervous. Looking over, the Quarians watched, as a Geth ship moves until a geth ship moved and docked to the Quarian ship.

"Masks on everyone!" The captain ordered.

The Crew all put on their masks, and prepared, as the docking sequence completed, and in walked in a set of gaians, wearing old quarian style clothing, and looked at the Quarians.

"Platform. Are these them?" The Gaian asked.

"Ship is registered as the Lichol, purchased by creator Himma'Maenna, from Illium. They are the Creators." a geth said, stepping out it looked like a mix of the original geth created long ago and the gaians.

One of the crew, a young Gaian walked over, and removed their mask, looking at their geth half. 

"Facinating. The creators encountered others of our kind. Co-exsistance theory is seeming more and more concrete than original predictions estimated." The geth-gaian said, placing a hand on the cheek of the Quarian-gaian.

"I'd say this is a strange. We believed the geth didn't like Organic life." the Q-G said.

"The statement is based on previous established relations of synthetic life in this universe. All previous organic species have rejected the reality of synthetic life, and have done so in a violent manner, leaving the Geth at a pre-existing risk, and antagonistic status due to Quarian action and how far the story of the Morning war. Geth pushed Quarians off their home world, geth are effective in defense, galaxy fears Geth." the G-G explained.

"Geth, we are here to negotiate. The Fleet is wanting to return to the homeworld. We will promise not to fight, we just want to return home. We forgive and apologize for what our ancestors did to you." the Quarian captain said.

The Geth looked at the Quarians in the ship, thinking, talking to the consensus of the Geth on the ship, and relaying the idea back to the main servers on Rannoch. It took a few minutes, before the answer was found.

"Geth have agreed to the return of the creators, further stipulation have risen to the what degree of co-existence will be agreed upon by Geth." the platform said.

"May we contact the Fleet to give them the news?" The captain asked

"Contact them, However, betrayal of the peace deal will be met with a forceful response. A threat to Geth is a threat to the Organic-Geth union." the G-G said, looking at the Crew of the Quarian ship.

Over the next few days, the Migrant fleet would move into the system, moving over Rannoch. They were told that they could settle in the southern hemisphere

The Geth consensus was, in the meantime, debating how they would live with the Quarians.

Unit#5,648,521,554: Integration and harmonized living is the best course of action

Unit#7,551,451: Co-existence on the same planet is more beneficial as geth can continue with planned course

Unit#452,554,154: Removal of organics is more preferable in the incident they attempt to enslave us again

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