Seven Day War: Day 6

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General Williams was shaking his head. He had to take extra fuel from the ships and had improvised fire bombs made, in order to delay the approach of the Eastern forces. The Pull back of all forces was leaving him with less and less options as time occurred. The number of kadiaks have slowly been dropping since the fire bombing runs. 

He also had to start raids in the civilian districts, with urban combat occurring at random, as the local resistance was growing faster than expected, along with the weapons they had at their disposal, either stolen, or improvised. He was needing to pull forces back, he needed to have a retreat, Regroup with the Alliance....try and find a way to get the last of the abducted human decedents out of this place. 

He looked at the contraband container, and opened it, taking an alcoholic beverage out, and drank it. The mixture was hot, almost burning his throat. He set down the glass he shook and looked out.

"Zion.......More like Gehenna." He said, shaking his head before he walked away from the window.

Zion had smoke rising from the outer districts, the turians, as they were called, seemed to be proficient in counter occupation tactics. The Quarians had all but disrupted the data flow between the orbiting ships and ground forces, having a mix of erotic materials getting mixed in with data streams. The Radio are little better than music stations. The Salarians seemed to have picked up on the turian behavior and made it worse, somehow creating a irritation smoke device. If in the suit, it leaves layer of film on them that would screw up sensors. If not in a fully sealed suit, you got unlucky and had a mix of a crushed glass, itching powder and chalk powder covering and infiltrating the joints of the suit.  

As for the Asari.....the soldiers appearently were very desperate and the idea of dating an attractive alien babe, could only be resisted for 5 days. Over the last few days, Asari speed dating was occurring, and to marines, it was the best combination, booze and breasts. 

The Amount of soldiers who broke protocol, and were thrown in the drunk tank, was concerning. Of all times, this was the worst. Fronts were barely holding together. Control of the City was at 40% secure, with 30% considered enemy controlled, the last 30% was contested.

"Begin withdrawing mission crucial individuals back into orbit. I will be on the last shuttle, I want to make sure the soldiers get out, at least all that we can." General Williams ordered, speaking to his officers.

Saren was however, coordinating the next moves with Unol and Zaes'Geer, along with the Alchemist of the Maiden Order, who over the last few days....was requesting a large quantity of gold and gemstones, which were kept in the Alchemical Academy that Saren had made his base. 

He had gotten the supply to them....with difficulty. The Hope was that it would be used to create a weapon to strike the command center of the invaders. 

"The Approach has been slowed, lot of fire bombing has left us needing to pull back. Our plan is to move and flank from the north and south." Unol explained.

"Not advisable, they have set up defensive zones to the north and south. The East is going to be a burning mess for a while. The West has some heavy guns moved in. To them, it's a short distance to resupply." Zaes said.

"Hmmmm, Zaes. Can you have a coordinated attack push the south defenses, attacking both sides with Unol's forces. We collapse them and wipe that front. At the same time, I will lead my forces in trench raids." Saren explained.

"Seems plausible, going to be a messy fight on our side. Better make this count." Zaes said, rubbing his head a bit as he looked down.

Saren walked away, before he would look at the situation map. The Armored golems were going to be used. But a new plan was being made. A tunnel, that would push right to the trench, before the last of the golems are used to break the defenses.

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