Unusual Connections

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Garrus would enter C-sec Shepard, John, Kaiden and Ashley were following him.

"So, you want me to look into Harkin's locker, grab a datapad and let you look at classified records to see if a spectre is being honest in what his mission." Garrus asked.

"Look, I just want to make sure my Uncle isn't doing some crazy decade long revenge plot like from some movie." Shepard Fedorian explained, shaking her head.

"I could get in trouble if it's found out I tempered with evidence." Garrus noted.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with it." Shepard Fedorian answered.

"Thank you for doing this, we do have the code. 77-64-15." Kaiden explained.

The Elevator stopped and everyone stepped out. Ashley, Kaiden and John looking around. The C-sec HQ was large, with a variety of Asari, Turian, Salarian and some Geth.

They had a Krogan sitting with binders, he was a mess, as if he had just came from a warzone.

"What happened to him?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, Krogan Honeymoon." a officer said.

"Must have fucked up." Ashely said.

"Tell that to his 7 wives. He's been at it all week, it justs he hasn't been giving his wives equal attention." the officer said.

"That explains the bag of ice."

"Yeah, He only has a pair after Wife number 4 got a double helping." the officer explained.

From their limited knowledge of Krogans, such as the fact they have redundant organs, John and Kaiden cringed at that.

Garrus entered the C-Sec officer's only area, then towards the lockers and found Harkin's locker. As he put in the code, he opened it and found that there was a fair number of items that were confiscated. Garrus shook his head.

"Looks like this is going to be the end of Harkin's career." Garrus muttered to himself.

Kneeling down, he picked up a datapad that was at the bottom of the locker and closed the locker, re-sealing the code, before he walked out of the locker room and out of the officers only area, and handed the Datapad to John Shepard.

They walked to a side hallway and sat down. Kaiden was able to access the tablet and handed it back to Shepard.

"Let's see. Ah, Saren. Let's see. From nearly a decade ago. He killed a pirate captain, by planting a bomb in his personal shuttle. Ashley, pull up the records of those officers connected to Zion." Shepard said.

"Matches with Stern's death report, his craft exploded unexpectedly while taking off." Ashley said.

"So it's a one off coincidence that he killed a pirate the same year with a bomb on a shuttle." Shepard Fedorian.

"He took out a pirate base by opening the airlock, got the target and 15 of the crew." Shepard listed.

"The SSV Attu suffered an airlock malfunction, killed the crew of 16. Reported a strange energy reading before it happened." Ashley said.

Shepard Fedorian looked down, Garrus leaned on the chairs, looking over their shoulders.

"Sniped a Pirate commander that had established to an outpost."

"We lost Captain Lo when the Systems Alliance tried to create a supply hub on a long jaunt between colonies. He was sniped, bullet was never recovered, burned him to ash."

As the number of similar dealings with pirates and deaths of those of the Systems Alliance mounted, having eerily similar reports, Shepard Fedorian would struggle to come to terms....was the man she saw as an uncle, the man who protected her from her father's insane protection measures.....trying to start a war with the systems Alliance, or go on some crazed revenge mission.

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